A large tank requires a good filter in order to maintain the pristine quality of water at all times. This allows the fish and plants to thrive and at the same time, keep undesirable elements out of the water. Also, a good filter invites a healthy supply of oxygen through aeration – a feature which is achieved through a spray bar. If you have a good tank filter, your favorite fish will certainly live inside the aquarium for a very long time.
So, if you are still looking for the best aquarium filter for 55 gallon tank, here are some of the best products in 2019 that you can positively include on your shopping list.
Best Aquarium Filter for 55 Gallon Tank Reviews 2020
If you are looking for a flexible, reliable, and incredibly durable 55 gallon aquarium filter, you’ll be delighted to know that you can trust the MarineLand Magnum Polishing Internal Canister Filter.
What I like about this particular filter are the dual filtration chambers. Through this, I can experiment a little to see which filter media can really maintain the cleanliness of the water all the time. It has an excellent three-stage filtration system which maintains the quality of water at all times. In terms of flexibility, I can say that this product is one of the best. I was surprised to see that this filter can be used up to 97 gallon aquarium. I don’t have to worry about the other aquariums because I can easily use this filter on them with no worries.
- Flow rate up to 290 GPH
- Has an excellent three-stage filtration system
- Can be used for up to 97 gallon aquariums
- No priming required
- Dual-chamber media allows customization
- Black Diamond filter included
- Durable
One of the positive things that I enjoy about this product is its compact size. Despite being small, it is really powerful enough to maintain a 60-gallon aquarium. Furthermore, it is very quick and easy to install; just set it up beside the tank, plug it in, and it’s ready to do its job. It has clear and understandable instructions telling how to set the filter up. However, for those who have extensive experience setting up filters (like me), they won’t even need to look at the instructions anymore.
I also like the fact that it doesn’t occupy too much space. The filter media is elongated, thus the need to decrease the canister’s horizontal space and increase its vertical space instead. The view inside the aquarium is totally unrestricted by the image of the filter. Most hobbyists will surely have a great time looking at their tanks.
- Affordable
- Doesn’t take too much space
- Quick and easy to install
- Has an adjustable flow rate
- Has an amazing three-stage filtration system
- Energy efficient
If you are searching for a compact but powerful filter for your 55 gallon aquarium, the Polar Aurora Free Media External Aquarium Filter is definitely one of the best products that you can find in the market today.
One of the things that I truly enjoy about this product is its quiet operation. It works completely silent since the first time I plugged it in. Because of this, I have moved the aquarium where this filter was installed into my bedroom. It’s been a total bliss because of the awesome performance of this filter.
- Operates quietly
- Parts are easily available
- Affordable
- Compact
- Self-priming
- Has three flexible media trays
There are only a few tank filters in the market that are easy to use and offers a powerful performance at the same time. If you are looking for a dependable 55 gallon fish tank filter system, then it’s time to put the Tetra Whisper EX Silent Multi-Stage Power Filter for Aquariums to test.
One of the things that I truly like about this product is its ease of use. I was able to use the whole unit straight out of the box without changing any of the settings. After priming and hanging it, the product filters without any fuss.
- Easy to use
- Comes with two patented filters
- Can be used with aquariums up to 70 gallons
- Operates quietly
A tank filter that uses a sophisticated technology is hard to encounter these days. Fortunately, the Aqueon QuietFlow LED PRO Aquarium Power Filter employs the same technology without compromising its level of performance. If you are shopping for a good tank filter, this product should definitely appear in your list.
One of the features of this particular filter that brings a smile on my face is its automatic restart function. Just like the other models of Aqueon, this one automatically restarts after a sudden power interruption. This can literally save me effort on personally restarting the filter especially if I’m so far away from the aquarium at that specific point in time.
- Has an adjustable flow rate of 400 GPH
- Self-priming
- Automatically restarts after a sudden power interruption
- Has an impressive filtration system
- LED indicator for obstructed cartridges
- Has an indicator that informs you if it’s time to replace the filter cartridges
- The internal design helps eliminate leaks and noise
One may say that there are no perfect tank filter products. However, the SeaChem Large Aquarium Fish Tank Filter will beg to differ. This marvelous product delivers a top-notch performance that any seasoned hobbyist will love.
Although this is not a widely popular product, there are so many things to like about it. First is the ventilation slots. These slots actually promote aeration that brings more oxygen for the fish and plants. The large filter basket, on the other hand, is very ideal for customization. It is designed to accommodate any filter I want to put inside.
- Ventilation slots for maximum aeration
- Has a surface skimmer
- Has a large filter basket
- Adjustable flow rate
- Has a self-cleaning impeller
- Has an excellent three-stage filtration system
- Operates quietly
- Easy to maintain
- Can be used with freshwater or saltwater
Are you looking for an affordable yet powerful filter that can take care of your aquarium? The Marineland Penguin Power Filter w/ Multi-Stage Filtration is the most ideal product for you!
Despite its price, I am still pleased about this filter’s performance. This filter has a flow rate of 350 GPH, which is absolutely ideal for 55 gallon aquariums. I’m glad that it can work with no issues up to 70 gallon tanks as well. The adjustable flow rate is very advantageous particularly when I’m feeding the fish. I can lower it when I’m spreading fish food and I can increase it to bring more oxygen.
- Has an adjustable flow rate of 350 GPH
- Has an amazing three-stage filtration system
- Works well with freshwater and saltwater fish and plants
- No need to unplug the unit to replace the cartridges
Keeping the water clean in a 55 gallon aquarium is hard, especially if you don’t have the right filter to do the job. If you want a reliable canister filter for 55 gallon tank to keep the water in top condition, the best product to use is Penn Plax Cascade Canister.
When it comes to durability, this filter is definitely unparalleled. The outer shell is made of hard plastic which protects the motor and wiring connection. This also protects the motor from leakages from the outside. The tubes included in the package are of high quality. With these tubes, I am confident that I won’t be needing to replace them anytime soon.
- Durable
- Has a flow rate of 312 GPH
- Spray bar
- Has an excellent three-stage filtration system
- Easy to clean
- Easy priming
If you are still searching for an affordable but totally efficient filter for your 55 gallon aquarium, the perfect product that you should be buying is the Aqua-Tech Power Aquarium Filter w/ 3-Step Filtration.
It has everything that you need in a tank filter. Operates quietly and consistently. The three-stage filtration system, on the other hand, works perfectly fine. It can filter out unnecessary particles and keep harmful chemicals out that could either stain or bring nasty smell on the water. It can also keep unwanted organisms out, such as bad bacteria or fungi.
- An improvement compared to previous models
- Has a two-year warranty
- Has an excellent three-stage filtration system
- Operates quietly
- Comes with an AQUA-Tech EZ-Change #3 Cartridge
If you think that the three-level filtration system is the best way to clean your aquarium water, think again. The Fluval C Power Filter presents not just three, but five levels of filtration that your fish and water plants deserve.
For me, the flow rate of 264 GPH is perfect for the filter’s size. It doesn’t spill too much water yet it doesn’t easily let all the unwanted elements such as debris, bad chemicals, and organisms to float around and stain the water.
- Has a five-stage filtration system
- Has a flow rate of 264 GPH
- Cleaning indicator which warns if the polyfoam needs to be rinsed
- Has a clip-on filter for easy maintenance
What To Look For When Buying An Aquarium Filter For 55 Gallon Tank ?

The 55 gallon tank is world-renowned among the seasoned veterans in the fish collecting community. And this is unsurprising; after all, it’s noticeable size alone is enough to inspire potential. Jumping more than just a few notches from the starter 15 gallon aquariums, most people wanting to transition to collecting bigger tanks are having a hard time to do so because of the adjustment. As a longtime enthusiast myself, I can say that there are quite a few things that others should adjust to when getting into the 55 gallon tank, especially in the filter area.
Getting a 55 gallon aquarium is no joke, best be warned. The cleaning part especially, because now that you have a bigger space that houses more fishes (and plants too, if you fancy), you would have more responsibilities to maintain the water quality. Here are some of the factors to look at when choosing your very own 55 gallon aquarium filter.
Filter Media
As you look for the perfect 55 gallon tank filter for you, consider looking for a filter that can support the type of filtration you are prioritizing. There are three different types of filtration: biological filtration, mechanical filtration, and chemical filtration.
Chemical Filtration
In chemical filtration, the removal of unwanted toxins in the tank’s water happens through two ways, the chemical resin, and the chemical media. By placing a chemical resin in your tank, chemicals are able to affect the overall quality of water by breaking down the excess nutrients in the water or eliminating unwanted chemicals entirely through treatment. This can also be done by using a filter media in your tank filter, as the water passing through it are thoroughly improved.
Mechanical Filtration
Mechanical filtration if the removal of the wastes that are floating around the tank through the filter media. These wastes can be anything from fish excrement, live plant debris, leftover food or just your garden-variety dead fish parts. With mechanical filtration, these floaters are sucked by the filter and are then trapped in the filter media. The rule of the thumb of mechanical filter media: the bigger your filter media, the bigger floaters they trap. And while this might be good at times, overall it leaves the smaller debris free-floating around the tank. This is why I opt for the smaller, finer media. They might need a little more cleaning from time to time but they are able to filter every debris out there.
Biological Filtration
Biological filtration occurs from inside the tanks, with the help of our little helpers, the beneficial bacteria. These beneficial bacteria and microorganisms are responsible for helping avoid toxic build-up and in helping in the tank’s nitrogen cycle. By giving them proper space to make a colony, we are able to provide our tank with a natural partner in converting the harmful toxins to harmless compounds. Improving both the water’s quality chemically and physically, opting for a filter that is able to support the tank’s biological filtration is a great move for those who are in need of a trusty sidekick in keeping their tanks clean.
These are some of the factors to consider and things to look for when searching for the perfect filter for your 55 gallon tank. If you care about the environment you create for your little fish friends, then make sure to keep all these in mind as you stroll to the pet store nearest to you!
Where to buy?
In conclusion, the products mentioned above are just some of the best filter for 55 gallon aquarium in the market today. They all perform admirably and are certainly worth every penny. If you are a seasoned hobbyist, you will find that some of the features on these filters are tailored to your specific needs. However, before operating the said filters, you have to read the instructions thoroughly in order to prevent accidents that may compromise the quality of the filter’s performance. If there are some things that are unclear to you, always feel free to contact the manufacturers. This way, they can provide you the exact detail on how to go about some issues with your 55 gallon aquarium filter without experiencing a hassle.