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The Best Aquarium Sands for 2020

Fish keeping enthusiasts are generally aware that finding the most appropriate and the best aquarium sand could be a tough job to deal with. In fact, there are countless of diverse kinds of sand that are readily available on the market nowadays and distinguishing between them could be a stressful task to manage especially for novices.

In addition to this, take note that not any sand would do, it certainly comes in distinct colors and could be made of distinct forms of sizes as well as materials- truth is, some of them are not the most outstanding alternative for your aquarium. Basically, there are a few distinct kinds of aquarium sand that you could definitely use in your fish tank; and each of them comes with some perks and drawbacks as well.

It is true that it could be perplexing to search for the most suitable aquarium sand given there are numerous options out there, fortunately; the following product reviews and some valuable information with regards to the right substrate that you can add in your fish tank that are exhaustively detailed in this post can make the task less stressful and less burdening.

Continue exploring them so that it won’t be much of a burden for you to pick the one that could help make your aquarium hobby an exciting and delighting experience.

Best Aquarium Sand Reviews of 2020

Whether you are keeping saltwater or freshwater aquarium, this freshwater aquarium sand won’t disappoint you. It is priced affordably making it a suitable pick for those who are on a budget. Provided that you do not overfeed your pet fish and strictly follow regular cleaning and maintenance procedure as directed by the manufacturer, aquarium keeping with this sand won’t be a burden.

Furthermore, this product is popular for not abusing your aquarium’s pH levels. It won’t make the tank water dusky but it aids in keeping the water clean and clear. This also does a superb job of inhibiting dead spots at the tank’s bottom adornments. The best thing about it is that it has been specifically made to help ward off rising carbonate hardness.

  • Capable of forming nice color contrasts
  • Designed to be pH neutral that’s good for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums
  • Can provide impressive texture as well as luminescence
  • Does not contain any paint or dye
  • No sweat to rinse out

This white sand for freshwater aquarium is your best bet if you are presently keeping a small tank. It is truly perfect and safe for all freshwater tanks and is known to be adept at keeping the pH level balanced all the time and it is tested and proven to be toxic-free.

Ideally, once used on the bottom layer of the tank, you could make a very beautiful haven inside your aquarium. It is essential to understand that the toxic-free coating of this aquarium sand is indispensable for all the live aquatic plants living inside the tank. Interestingly, the toxic-free coating of this material makes it a safe option for your most precious pet fish as well.

  • Designed to have toxic-free coating body
  • Does not affect the level of pH in tank water
  • Can guarantee stunning aquarium experience
  • Helps lessen the amount of dirt particles
  • A risk-free option for freshwater aquariums

If you wish to purchase premium quality black aquarium sand, this product is a great deal that won’t cause headache in the future. This is a lovely aquarium sand and slightly smaller as compared to coffee grounds. It does not contain any tint at all and it has the capability to sink right at the underneath layer of the tank.

This product comes with appropriate texture and size that provide a stunning view inside the fish tank. At first, it would especially require thorough rinsing and cleaning prior to finally adding and spreading it inside the tank. See to it to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure a trouble-free aquarium keeping experience.

  • Capable of anchoring down plants
  • Ideal pick for freshwater and saltwater aquariums
  • Toxic-free making it harmless to live plants and fish
  • Designed to be environmentally-friendly
  • Aids in keeping tank water crystal clear and look attractive

As compared to other similar products sold on the market nowadays, this aquarium sand is more effortless to clean even if there are some bits of plant matter and other items mixed on it. This sand is good to have because it helps neutralize the odor in ponds or aquariums. It is a safe option since it does not contain phosphate or silica. More than that, it comes with very valuable nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and strontium.

  • Capable of creating a very natural haven for aquarium occupants
  • Designed to be free of phosphate and silica
  • Serves as great sand that makes floor bottom look captivating
  • Comes with vital magnesium, potassium as well as strontium
  • Tested and proven to be natural odor neutralizer

If you are presently seeking for good-looking and practical sand for fish tanks, then you can see for yourself how this product can work like magic for aquariums. This is not only reliable in terms of providing the aesthetic needs of fish tanks but it could also create a very wonderful dwelling place for your pet fish and plants to live in.

Many aquarium owners admire this black sand because its color is elegant enough to make the aquatic plants and fish look more prominent inside the tank. As a matter of fact, this is highly recommended for those who have rooted plants. Whether you are still a beginner or already an expert in aquarium keeping, this is a great pick for you since it comes with superb consistency for maintenance.

  • Adept at absorbing and holding nutrients
  • Outstanding black color makes aquarium inhabitants stand out
  • Comes with generous amount of nutrients
  • Smooth sailing to use and maintain
  • Ideal choice for rooted plants

Would you like to add colored aquarium sand in your fish tank? If yes, then you can consider purchasing this lovely and lightly pink-colored sand that could definitely help create a heavenly attraction inside an aquarium. This is an ideal alternative for a finer-grained substance.

This product is preferable by experienced aquarium owners because it contains marine bacteria that serve a very vital role in biological filtration. Also, it aids in impeding the emergence of algae and it is designed to contain complete components of essential minerals that strengthen reef growth.

  • First-rate and functional aragonite substance for all kinds of marine tanks
  • Can help minimize nitrate and ammonia levels
  • Designed with diverse styles to aid recreate any saltwater environment
  • Has the suitable density for a reef tank
  • Contains considerable amount of good bacteria to encourage biological filtration

Many novices in aquarium keeping consider searching for the best sand for aquarium freshwater a very challenging task to venture in. Well, this can be true especially if you did not conduct a little research with regards to the best brands globally. Worry no more as this product could be of big help to you even if it is your first time to look after a freshwater tank.

Many aquarium experts opt for this sand for fish tank because it could aid disintegrate waste more instantly. What’s more, it could minimize the amount of dirt particles that is in the tank water.

  • Remarkably aids in simulating a fresh and healthy natural environment
  • Highly recommended for planted aquariums that especially require soil
  • Stimulates the growth of good bacteria that helps disintegrate waste
  • Helps get rid of the amount of unhealthy dirt particles in tank water
  • Does not alter tank water parameters

You won’t feel any disappointment if you invest in this white aquarium sand. It can be utilized in ponds and aquariums to make the floor bottom appear more stunning and nice to behold. This offers a good dwelling space for good microbes and can provide suitable anchoring for plants. It is worth mentioning that all bacteria are protected and maintained in their natural live state.

  • Designed to have natural white color and Bio-active feature
  • Does a vital role in filtration process
  • Helps ward off bio-fouling
  • Good choice for those who do not wish to spend lavishly
  • Made of 100% natural ocean sand

This fine aquarium sand is capable of delivering more value since it is designed with a neutral pH that is especially vital for your fish tank. It does not intensify the carbonate hardness while in the tank water so you can be worry-free. This is made having distinctive sand-sized grains that could aid repel the accumulation of dirt particles, fish waste and food in the substrate bed.

One of the reasons why more and more aquarium owners patronize this product is that it is stellar at creating an out of the ordinary experience that mimics the natural world in your residence which you and your fish tank inhabitants will definitely love.

  • Can make a fabulous experience by recreating the natural hub in your dwelling place
  • Does not contain any dye or paints
  • Harmless to utilize for all types of aquarium systems
  • Designed with sand-sized grains that help diminish debris buildup
  • Proudly manufactured in the USA

If you are having a tough time shopping for black and white sand aquarium, the first thing that you need to do is to search for world-class brands that can meet your requirements. If you plan to take care of a planted aquarium, then this sand for aquarium is worth a try.

Moreover, if you compare this aquarium sand to other products, this one does not specifically call for a thorough cleaning and rinsing before use and even at first use, it does not make the tank water look cloudier. It has the capability to last long and is especially designed to have pH value of 6.5

  • Does not call for a thorough rinsing and cleaning
  • Highly recommended for planted aquariums
  • Does not make the tank water look dusky
  • Not susceptible to easily breaking down
  • Designed to have pH value of 6.5

What to Look for When Buying Aquarium Sand ?

When shopping for the right aquarium sand for you, the following buying guides must be pondered on:

  • There are different forms of sand that you could pick from.

Pool sand. This is generally white in color and comes with uniform grains that make a wonderful top layer to ensure more beauty inside the fish tank. This is pollutant-free but won’t appear colorful due to its plain color.

Play sand. This is free of any toxic components and is safe to use for fish particularly when they dig a hole inside.

Specialty sand.

This is considered the most outstanding type of aquarium sand because it is toxic-free, pollutant-free, does not affect the pH level of the tank water and comes with uniform grain sizes but is priced expensively.

  • Is it compatible with the current aquarium you are keeping? If you are keeping a freshwater aquarium buy the sand that is designed for freshwater use. The same goes for saltwater tanks. Luckily, there are some aquarium sand products that can be used for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums.
  • What about the size of the grains? This plays a vital role in the manner that you could utilize your substrate. Those that are small in size can aid in supporting the growth of plants since they are firm and permeable enough to let roots infiltrate, but cleaning them can be a bit of a task.

On the other hand, larger sizes of grains are less stressful to maintain since vacuums or filters could take in the grains; hence, cleaning is not that difficult to deal with. Even so, plants could not thrive in large substrate.

  • Design and color of the aquarium sand. When picking sand for your aquarium, see to it that you are already well aware of what design and color you’re going to get in order to achieve the kind of look you are eyeing to achieve for your aquarium.

Take into consideration that it is possible to get aquarium sand in just about any color; all you need to do is to be resourceful and creative enough to provide the best possible look for your fish tank.

Still and all, 

besides the aquarium sand color, it is also important to contemplate on whether you prefer your aquarium to glow because there is a certain form of sand that you could invest in that beautifully glows under blue light.

  • The pH level. Take note that this is critical to factor in since you have live fish and aquatic plants to take care of. As you know, your aquarium inhabitants could be affected if the aquarium sand that you bought increases or decreases the pH level from the balanced point. You need to consider the type of fish you are keeping because there are those that prefer higher Ph level.
  • What kind of materials the aquarium sand is made of? There are different kinds of sand that are especially designed for aquariums. Many of these are regarded as more advantageous as compared to others. You will prefer to select a kind of sand that offers the perks that you are seriously searching for. Always remember that you should not only prioritize the aesthetic aspects but also the safety of the kind of material the sand is made of so as not to pose any health risk to your fish tank dwellers.

Why do you need aquarium sands?

If you are not well-experienced in terms of using aquarium sand, then perhaps you have some hesitations whether it is a right decision to use one or not. In reality, there are so many aquarium owners who feel uncertain about using it for the first time and to somehow ease your mind, it would be helpful to unveil the perks of using sand for your aquarium:


  • Relying on the fish species you prefer to keep, some of them may merely breed in sandy environments. In such a scenario, there is no other alternative but to ensure that the fish tank is filled with suitable amount of aquarium sand.
  • There are some kinds of fish that originate from sandy environments. And, due to this, a sand substrate in the fish tank would aid in making them feel at home. In like manner, for some species, the sand may not be necessary; regardless, for others this may assist them to feel less anxious and instantly conform to the environment.
  • Using aquarium sand could also be the perfect option for different kinds of aquatic plants. Fundamentally, you could get some types of sand that come ingrained with nutrients indispensable for the healthy growth of aquatic plants.
  • Some fish species especially require sand to aid in digestion. In truth, there is no danger in providing conditions within the fish tank that would aid your pet fish to digest its food more excellently.
  • As compared to gravel, the tiny size of the grains of the aquarium sand is valuable precisely because it offers more surface area wherein good bacteria can thrive. It is worth mentioning that having generous amount of these beneficial bacteria is crucial in order to keep the fish tank pollutant-free and a healthy place where your fish and plants can live comfortably.
  • Sand comes in countless and varieties of colors. This is the evident reason why it has the capability to instantly alter the entire appearance of your aquarium on the inside.


For instance, if the natural effect is not your preference, then you could pick from a lot of colored aquarium sand options that could help make your aquarium obtain a very impressive, colorful and radiant look.

The delighting news is that you can purchase gravel and sand in a plenty of distinct variations at present- there are those that are designed to have fine grains, natural-looking, colored, coated and the like.

However, you must be cautious and keep an eye on alternatives that are chemically-colored for this could carry foreign substances into the aquarium water. It is highly suggested to purchase specialty sand from specialty providers who have deeper knowledge of what is required for healthy fish and aquarium.

  • Lastly, the most important is that sand is more natural for the fish. Most environments where fish reside in nature would have a sandy substrate, silt or mud and evidently these do not work in fish tanks.

Thus, the most exceptional natural option is sand, since this is the material that enables a natural and consistent flow of water.

Where to buy aquarium sands?

Different types of aquarium sand can be purchased in many pet stores or aquarium stores in your area. If the specialty store is well-stocked, you will be lucky enough to explore a number of options that could look best in your aquarium. And, of course you can pick the one that you find affordable and within your budget.

Alternatively, you can also discover limitless options if you shop online. For instance, in Amazon, there are lots of aquarium sand brands that you can check out. Here, there are numerous choices to delve into and it is where you can enjoy lots of great deals that could make your shopping experience a very thrilling and satisfying one.


As a whole, if you are looking for top quality and the best aquarium sand, then it is highly recommended to go for the above options that were comprehensively detailed. Fundamentally, as long as you stringently adhere to the buying tips, proper care and maintenance shared above; you should have no trouble at all in terms of finding the outstanding kind of aquarium sand to utilize for your fish tank.

In substance, as what you have learned in this post; you could not merely purchase just any kind of aquarium sand and utilize it a substrate in your fish tank. As clearly tackled, there are so many specific factors that must be taken seriously if you want to ensure making a wise investment.

Always be reminded that it pays off when you do a careful research first before making the final decision. After all, aquarium keeping is not only about having fun but; most importantly, making sure that your aquarium dwellers can live safely, healthily and happily.


Best Pool Filter Sands for Aquarium

Filters play very vital role in keeping aquariums clean and safe for your fish tank inhabitants to live comfortably, safely and happily. Hence, it is crucial to purchase the best pool filter sand for aquarium to help you ensure a pollutant-free and safe haven for your pet fish and other invertebrates that you wish to keep in it. It cannot be denied that the significance of pool filters cannot be overestimated.

Basically, maintaining an aquarium and having clear and safe fish tank water are foolproof means to keep your pet fish and aquatic plants safe and healthy. And, the only way to do that is to make certain that you invest in a top quality pool filter that would work well for your aquarium.

Indeed, as much as there are a plenty of pool filters readily available these days, the truth is there aren’t numerous creditable details to greatly assist you in the decision-making process. Thus, if it is your will to ensure getting the most suitable option for your fish tank, you may check out the following product reviews and closely examine the most appropriate pool filter sand that you think and feel will work best for the fish tank you are currently keeping.

There are also some valuable details that you certainly need to delve into with regards to buying pool filter sands for aquariums, some information on how to properly set up, clean and maintain the pol filter sand and some other must-consider factors and features when investing in one.

Best Pool Filter Sand for Aquarium Reivews of 2020

Is pool filter sand safe for aquariums? Perhaps, this is one of the most common questions we often ask ourselves when we think of investing in pool filter sand for our fish tank. Luckily, with a little research with regards to the most reliable brands, you can get the one that would best match your current needs.

This pool filter sand product is odorless and inert. It is the best option if you want to ensure the health and safety of your most treasured pet fish. It does not contain any chemical formulation and it is capable of backwashing without much difficulty and in an even approach. This can be used for commercial or home use. It won’t stain, it does not require high maintenance and you can purchase it at a reasonable price tag.

  • Made of 100% natural sand that’s free of any toxic chemical
  • Does not come with foul odor
  • Not prone to solidifying and is environment-friendly
  • Won’t stain and can help inhibit channeling as well as clogging
  • Effectively filters out various debris and dirt particles

If you are looking for affordable, easy to use and efficient pool sand for aquarium, then you can give this product a try. It does not foam up, does not float and does not stick to bubbles in the water column. This is also user-friendly as you can easily and smoothly lay it in the tank.

It is delighting to know that it is simple to pour since it is crafted with built-in spout. This pool filter sand is capable of filtering very fast and is a great choice to line a 30-gallon tank with two-inch of stand. It is superb at keeping the tank water crystal clear. You can pour it easily without clogging unlike other similar options out there.

  • Capable of laying smoothly in the aquarium
  • Works like a charm in keeping the tank clear and clean
  • Can filter quite fast and more efficiently
  • Ideal for above-ground or in-ground pool sand filters
  • Looks attractive and dries quickly

Are you planning to shop for the most suitable pool filter sand for aquarium substrate? Then, you can check out how this product can do wonders for you. This comes with luring texture and luminescence and it is very popular for its natural and ravishing look.

This is a great value for the money because it is completely natural so it won’t in any way throw off the pH levels of your tank. The sand won’t make the tank water looking dusky; in point of fact, it is designed to help sustain crystal clear water inside the aquarium. This is also dependable when it comes to combating dead spots underneath aquarium adornments.

  • Grain size can help decrease build up debris
  • Harmless to use for aquariums
  • Does not contain dyes or paints
  • Capable of recreating a natural world in your residence
  • Known for being pH neutral

Shopping for premium quality pool filter sand in aquarium nowadays is made easier and it is all thanks to the advent of internet. This product can be found in various online shopping sites like Amazon.

For the money, this is a reasonable option that won’t disappoint you. It is safe to use and works wonderfully to help keep the aquarium free of any dirt particles. This is one of the top-rated picks as it is highly acclaimed for being superiorly graded neat silica sand. Aside from this, it is also perfect for swimming pool filtration systems.

  • Highly recognized for being appropriately graded neat silica sand
  • Ideal pick for swimming pool filter systems
  • Comes with adequate size and 20/40 graduation
  • Sold at a very decent price
  • Straightforward to use even for novices

What to Look for When Buying Pool Filter Sand for Aquarium ?


The quality of your pool filter sand affects the quality of your fish tank’s water. In reality, picking the most suitable pool filter for your aquarium could sometimes be exhausting. Not to mention, you may encounter various types, specifications, features, sizes, price range and the like.

To make the selection process less burdensome for you, consider checking out these buying guides:

  • How much is it? Whether you are investing in it for commercial or home use, of course, the first thing you’ll need to decide on is the price you will be willing to spend for it. Luckily, pool filter sand for aquariums are affordable.
  • How about the position of your aquarium? Some pool filter sand products are particularly made for above ground while others are crafted for underground ones. If your aquarium is above ground, opt for the ones that are made to be corrosion-free and are durable.
  • What about the kind of pool filter sand? To learn more about the right type of pool filter sand perfectly suited for you; compare the two categories namely side-mount and top-mount.
  • Is your choice compatible with your aquarium? To pick the most appropriate pool filter sand for your fish tank, it is imperative to figure out the product’s compatibility. You can do so by means of computing the cubic size, gallons needed per hour and how long you prefer to run the pool filter.

Please be guided that when investing in pool filter sand,

it is highly advised to search for a product that is capable of supplying higher than the requirements of a pool or your aquarium.

  • What about the capacity of the filter? The ability to clean up your pool or aquarium swift enough is reliant on the capacity of the filter. Important components like the filter and pump have great impact on the capacity of the filter. Take note that this is gauged by gallons per hour or gallons per minute.
  • What about safety and maintenance? Prior to deciding which one to purchase, it is a must to check out the safety features first. Features such as ground fault circuit interrupter would aid ward off shocks. It is highly suggested to pay attention for safety certifications like CSA and UL.

As for the maintenance, a pool filter that comes with fewer components would be more plain sailing to maintain. It is critical to ensure that the product includes easy-to-understand manual instructions that tackle varied maintenance techniques.

Why do you need pool filter sand for aquarium? 

Pool filter sand for aquariums are typically the most reasonably priced and compact alternative to filter swimming pools or aquariums. In general, the sand media must be replaced roughly every 5 by up to 8 years, and this is usually based on the manner of how it is used.

The reasons why opting for pool filter sand to efficiently filter the various sorts of pollutants inside an aquarium are as follows:

  • Pool filter sand for aquariums are comparably less expensive so there is no need to break the bank when investing in them. Pool filter sand for aquariums are less costly. As a matter of fact, one great approach to set aside some money is through investing in a topnotch sand filter.

Their affordable price tags are not the only reasons why they are smart investments:

the best of all is that these are built to be quite durable in that they can last for many years of usage. Thus, this implies that it could save you in long-term maintenance as well as replacement expenditures. As you can see, this is a good alternative when it is your wish to keep the aquarium clean and clear but do not wish to spend more.

  • They do not require high maintenance. It is surely nice to know that pool filter sand for aquariums are not that complicated to manage as there is no need to execute all the required extreme maintenance. This means that looking after it won’t consume much of your time and energy. It only necessitates simple process that can be done in a snap. You can perform this when the pressure is at a specific level, and fortunately the filter will indicate this to you.

Backwah the filter:

Likewise, you may consider re-balancing the water when you backwash the filter- this is actually what it is all that is specifically required with the sand filter.

  • These are capable of getting rid of 20 by up to 40 micron-sized particulates and other pollutants.
  • Backwashing can be done in a snap. Unlike other filtration system, this is not demanding when operating it.
  • They are not intricate to operate and are known to be user-friendly. Since these are user-friendly, they are ideal for those who are still novice to owning a pool or aquarium and in keeping it clean. They are not utilized much except when extracting polluters by means of backwashing.

And, when it is all set for backwashing, you will only need to rotate the valve from the filter position to the backwash position- take note that this must be precisely marked. Afterward, it is a must to use the rinse setting after the backwash method is completed. Other settings include waster or recirculates; however, these are not utilized frequently.

  • Sand media is highly recognized for being adept at holding up much longer as compared to filter cartridges.

Pool filter sand for aquarium

  • Filter

This must be kept like this all the time. The only exception is when you need to backwash, rinse or waste.

  • Rinse

This setting must be employed for only 15 seconds after you backwash in order to thoroughly wash off the sand filter tank.

  • Re-circulate

This pertains to a filter bypass setting. Consider using this if your filter is damaged or suffering from leak issues; the most important thing is that you are circulating the water.

  • Backwash

This setting must be carried out to reverse the flow in the filter and to transmit the water out of the waste line. See to it that the valves are open and the hose for backwash is appropriately rolled out.

  • Closed

This is meant to close off the flow from the aquarium. Typically, this is intended to work on the device or inhibit the backflow of water out of the filter. Keep in mind that it is not highly suggested to operate the pump with valve in the closed position, and never utilize it as a winterizing setting, consider popping up the handle between two positions for winter.

  • Waste or Drain

This is another form of filter bypass setting; even so, the only difference is that this setting transmits the water out of the waste hose or pipe rather than turning it back to the aquarium. Likewise, this setting is exploited to decrease the aquarium water level or to vacuum to waste- this is quite efficient when vacuuming heavy amounts of filthy dirt particles or when dealing with algae accumulation.

Where to buy pool filter sand for aquarium?

You can look for pool filter sand for aquarium in local aquarium stores near your area. However, only a few brick and mortar pet or fish store retailers can offer you with a number of options to check out.

The delighting news is that, with the emergence of the internet, you can take pleasure in a convenient shopping experience where you can pick from unlimited pool filter sand for aquarium manufacturers or brands. Isn’t it nice to know that you can get the most suitable option right at your fingertips without the need to leave the comfort of your own home? You can start your search at Amazon.

Fortunately, pool filter sand for aquariums are not that expensive. Shopping online can offer you lots of advantages and conveniences and all you need to do is to process the online transaction and just wait for your package to arrive right at your doorsteps.


Undoubtedly, cleaning is a very essential procedure in fish tank management. And, it is all thanks to advanced technology; effective, safe and fast cleaning devices are readily available at present, and many of them come in the form of the best pool filter sand for aquariums and these are meant to make the cleaning process a less struggle one. The good news is that there are so many of them sold on the market nowadays and you can pick from countless of different brands. This makes decision making process a bit complex though.

While it could be advantageous to be offered with lots of options to select from, it is inevitable for you to get perplexed when making your purchase, particularly if it is your first time to do so or you are not that expert in that field. To help you save more of your valued time and energy, you can rely on the product reviews and shopping guides tackled in this article.

By merely contemplating on the difference in the filtering system, you can lessen the burden of picking the right product for your needs. Take in mind that pool filter sands act as the kidney of your aquarium, so choosing the most reliable one can help you lengthen the lifespan of your fish tank occupants and can maintain the cleanliness and beauty of your aquarium.

Hopefully the product reviews and buying guides discussed in this post can help you pick the ideal sand filter for your aquarium in order to allow your pet fish to swim in clean, fresh and safe water to keep them fit and healthy.

The Best Aquarium Gravel for 2020

There are several reasons why it is a must to utilize gravel in a tank. The first reason is the fact that this just helps make the aquarium look more appealing. Indeed, whether you opt for natural stone for a more genuine look or a more radiant color that could aid make the whole thing pop, your aquarium will look more brilliant with aquarium gravel placed underneath.

Aside from this, gravel serves a number of vital functions and it’s the ideal means to tie up any tank plants that you are putting in your aquarium. Your plants will root and flourish when placed in the gravel. This also serves as a shelter for the bacterial colonies that your aquarium requires to remain healthy.

Similarly, if you get gravel that is compact and tiny enough, there is less space for debris to hide – this obviously aids in keeping the aquarium water more balanced and tidy.

If you are aware that gravel is for more than merely making your aquarium look more impressive, you will able to realize why some options are a lot better as compared to others.

So, explore the best aquarium gravel reviews below to help you come up with a smart and the best purchase for your tank!

Best Aquarium Gravel Reviews 2020

Are you looking for bright-colored gravel that could make your tank even more stunning? Surely, we all want the best gravel for fish tank. As a matter of fact, many fish hobbyists prefer aquariums that have bright-colored decors. Luckily, GloFish Gravel product is the right choice if you wish to put more diverse and brilliant colors in your aquarium.

This is so easy to use as you only have to add the gravel in the tank if you wish you may also add some more decors of your choice and you can instantly come up with a great masterpiece. Likewise, this aquarium gravel consists of stones that come in different sizes, shapes as well as colors.

  • Comes in available varied and vibrant colors
  • Guaranteed safe for fish
  • Aesthetically pleasing to the eye
  • Ideal for terrariums and top dressing air plants
  • A dramatic addition to any aquarium

Are you in need of fish tank gravel ideas? Then, you may consider adding some plants, rocks, and gravel in your aquarium. These are perfect decors that could make your tank look attractive and at the same to ensure a better habitat for your tank inhabitants.

Marina Decorative Gravel comes in the perfect amount for smaller versions of aquariums. These are commonly low in dust that could easily come off when you rinse them. What is more, these are a fascinating contrast to some moderately larger white stones that you utilize to accent this.

  • Comes with round edges
  • Help encourage the growth of good bacteria
  • Does not affect water chemistry
  • Comes in varying colors and vibrant shades
  • Can be mixed with other marbles

Are you planning to shop for some tank decors? Then, you have to ensure that you carefully pick the fish tank gravel color that could perfectly complement the other plants and living creatures in your aquarium.

This tank gravel product is not solely lovely to behold but most importantly it is safe for plants and fish that dwell in the tank. It is non-toxic so you can rest assured that it won’t have any unpleasant effect on the chemistry of water in the aquarium.

  • Safe to use and does not alter water chemistry
  • Made of 100% acrylic coating and it’s colorfast
  • Known for being natural decorative gravel
  • Comes in unique sizes, shapes, and colors
  • Help shelter good bacteria

Without any doubt, all aquarium enthusiasts prefer to end up investing in the small aquarium gravel. And to do so, it is crucial to know the type of tank inhabitants you have and what decors you want to add in your aquarium.

This Shallow Creek gravel is highly recommended for aquariums that are smaller in size. This product is comprised of tiny-sized granules that are safe for the tank water as it does not affect the water’s pH level. Therefore, it is friendly for the fish and other plants living in the tank.

  • Ideal for tanks that are smaller
  • Does not badly affect water pH
  • Comes in a non-toxic coating
  • Capable of providing a haven to tank plants
  • Ideal for freshwater tanks

Carib Sea’s gravel product comes with a color variation that absolutely provides a more natural effect. Apart from this, it is smooth and nice for bottom inhabitants and you won’t have any concerns with the pH level of water.

It is not necessary to rinse it quite well since it is not as muddy as compared to other gravel products. This will definitely fit the bill if you are eyeing for a more natural-ish look for your aquarium. The tiny stones are of assorted colors and look stunning in the tank.

  • Looks natural in the tank
  • Superb substrate for aquariums
  • Perfect if you’re utilizing plants
  • Can create a stunning décor in the tank
  • Helps plants have ample root system to flourish

Do you wish to add a more fascinating aquarium gravel color that would amaze your guests and tank inhabitants? Then, Exotic Pebbles will satisfy your preference. You will certainly be surprised by how these tank decors can transform your tank into a very nice habitat that your fish will love!

These pebbles are the right pick for your fish tank. If you’re going to observe them closely, the pebbles are very nice, quite smooth and are of suitable size. For a fact, a lot of people mistake them for petroleum. As you can see, the stones are covered in wax.

  • Comes with smooth and nice texture
  • Non-toxic for plants and fish
  • Ideal use for ponds and tanks
  • Does not have an effect on water chemistry
  • Can be used both indoors and outdoors

Are you currently in search of out-of-the-ordinary colored aquarium gravel that could aid in aesthetically embellishing your tank? Then, Carib Sea Gemstone Creek Gravel can be the perfect pick that won’t let you down! If you are going to closely observe the colors and sizes, you will realize that these are highly selected for the purpose of re-establishing a natural habitat for your fish inhabitants.

Over and above, what makes this an even nicer option to consider is that it is risk-free to use for all systems, comes in neutral pH and has bigger granule sizes that are adept at minimizing detritus. The package is big enough and weighs 50-lbs. so this is a good catch to consider.

  • Nice color and appropriate pebble size
  • Premium quality aquarium gravel
  • Ideal for 70-gallon fish aquarium
  • Comes at a reasonable price
  • Beautiful earth-stone colors

Do you find it hard to search for the best aquarium gravel for plants that could add stunning and vibrant color to your aquarium? CNZ Aquarium Gravel can provide the radiant color that will help make your tank look livelier and a very impressive shelter that your tank friends can enjoy.

The gravel is larger than the regular tank gravel, it comes with wonderful colors, it does not have any foul odor and is certified premium quality. As compared to other aquarium gravel brands, this product is not difficult to clean.

  • Perfect for creative indoor and outdoor design
  • Superior quality polymer coated gravel
  • An elegant accent to ponds, tanks, terrariums and water gardens
  • Can provide outstanding pops of color
  • Not exhausting to clean up

This gravel is a nice combination of gravel and dirt that has made all the distinction with tank plants. If you are looking for top-drawer aquarium gravel, this option will make a huge difference for you!

This aids plants thrive and grow like they never did in the past with standard tank gravel. What is more, the dark color can make the fish and shrimp colors stand out.

It is worth mentioning that tropical fish tank gravel can make your aquarium a stunning display to behold particularly when you are extremely drained in a whole day of work. Your fish won’t only be the ones to benefit if you invest in this gravel.

  • Exhaustive substrate for freshwater planted tanks
  • Aid stimulate vigorous plant root growth
  • Comes with minor and major elements that sustain tank plants
  • Helps cycle a new aquarium
  • Amazing live plant gravel

This black aquarium gravel is one of the outstanding choices for a tank plant that needs to be mixed with fluorite root tabs as well as prospering plant juice. While you may encounter plenty of dust that particularly necessitates serious washing and filtering at the beginning, still this could serve as a perfect substrate for aquatic plants that are placed in a planted aquarium.

It is worth noting that this gravel will function at its best if you carefully wash it a few times prior to adding it in the aquarium and filling it with water. In truth, it is normal for the tank water to appear dusky at first setup; however, this will vanish after one day once you begin the filter procedure.

  • Ideal substrate for a newly set up aquarium
  • Ensure very fast growth for plants
  • A perfect complement to the aquascape
  • Helps maintain healthy plants in the tank
  • Comes with gorgeous black color

What To Look For When Buying Aquarium Gravel ?


Once you finally decide to add some rock or gravel decors to your tank, it is a must to consider some factors when shopping for these products and some reminders consist of the following:

  • When shopping for aquarium gravel, it is critical to think over how deep does the tank gravel need to be. If you plan to buy tank gravel, keep in mind that you have to utilize 1 ½ lb. of gravel for each gallon.

Moreover, note that this shall differ a bit with the shape of your aquarium and the size of the gravel; however, this is the best place to begin. It is suggested to have an insight into the amount you should purchase when shopping.

  • In addition to this, having approximately 2 inches of gravel underneath the aquarium is advisable if you have one that is below 50 gallons.

As you know, this is the ideal height that helps keep the proportion of gravel and water appearing natural and provides your décor a wonderful base to sit on. This is a nice depth for your tank plants to root.

  • On the other hand, if you own a bigger aquarium; for instance, 50 gallons and above, you could go by up to 3 to 4 inches. This shall also aid keep the proportion of gravel to water in the aquarium amazingly attractive.

Furthermore, you may prefer bigger plants in a bigger aquarium.

Keep in mind that deeper substrate provides them more room to root in order for them to instantly reach their full potential.

  • If you decide to utilize under gravel filter, please be advised that 2 inches are generally the minimum amount that you will require; nevertheless, see to it that you review the manual first.

Two inches of gravel is not necessary if you do not have any live plants in the aquarium. A thin layer will do fine if you prefer less gravel. Remember, too thick is not recommended.

Too much gravel will only bring about more dirt or waste as well as too many rooms to hide; if this happens, this will only shake off the balance of the entire aquarium.

What are the different types of aquarium gravel?

  1. Tank Gravel. This serves as a perfect medium for most aquariums. This is readily available in distinct colors and sizes.
  2. Coral Sand. This is usually made of calcium carbonate that gradually fluidifies in water. Procedure works through acid accumulation or decomposing organic matter in the aquarium. This is what makes coral sand recommended for fish that prefer superior pH levels.
  3. Marble Chippings. Calcium carbonate-based fish aquarium substrate. These are not as porous and are bulkier as compared with coral sand. These are less pricey and come in varied shades.
  4. Aquarium Sand. Available in different colors that could aid in establishing an aesthetically-pleasing aquarium. This is a perfect medium for fish that prefer to bury or dig themselves. Since this is too small in size, it could cause contamination or damage to the tank filter.
  5. Marbles. These come in different colors, are generally flat and could provide more potentialities in designing the appearance of the tank. But, since the gaps between each marble are very big, this enables big particles of foods to be trapped and this may cause building good bacteria tougher.

They are usually utilized in breeding aquariums since the fry or eggs could fall into the gaps and be risk-free from being consumed by other starving fish and their parents.Ő

Why do you need aquarium gravel ?

Gravel products serve important functions making them quite beneficial. Some of the benefits include:

  • Biological filtration. Gravel helps in providing shelter for good bacteria. The bacterial colonies are essential to get rid of wastes which are produced by leftover food, fish and other plant residues in the tank.

If the bacteria do not have a comfortable gravel bed to dwell in, they will search for other spots; however, they might not thrive in adequate quantities to keep the tank safer for your aquarium inhabitants.

  • Shelter for live plants. Gravel is critical if you have live plants in the aquarium. The appropriate amount of gravel in planted tanks could aid guarantee that your plants will root accordingly, ensure a long and healthier life and have their nutritional requirements properly met.
  • Fish habitat. The right type of gravel could establish a wonderful hub for your fish. Needless to say, the comfier the hub is for the fish, the healthier and less stressed they will be. In reality, stress is the main cause of an impaired immune system for fish as this leaves them more prone to various ailments.
  • A more aesthetically-appealing tank. Gravel can significantly provide a very impressive look for the tank that could catch the attention of those who gaze at your aquarium. This aids in keeping the debris that is produced on a daily basis within the aquarium.

Consider having a bare bottomed aquarium even just for one day, and you will be stunned at how much waste appears on the bottom section of the tank.

Where to buy aquarium gravel?

You can buy aquarium gravel on Amazon, eBay, Lowes, and other fish stores. Other places where you can find them include department stores with gardening section and garden-related shopping centers in your area.


When you decide to set up an aquarium either as a plain hobby or something to devote your most precious time and energy with; the types of fish and plants to add in your aquarium are often the first decision for you to come up with.

Indeed, after choosing a suitably-sized tank for the fish and plants that will be thriving in it, the next thing to ponder on should be what type of freshwater tank gravel to add in the bottom of the aquarium.

Essentially, the kind of gravel you pick could have a significant impact not merely on the aesthetic appeal of the aquarium but also in the wellness of the fish and live plants that you place in the tank.

Therefore, it is all because of these why going over the best aquarium gravel reviews shared above can be advantageous in assisting you to come up with a well-informed decision. The right choice could make a huge difference in the end.

The Best Aquarium Decorations 2020

On top of everything, no matter what form of the best aquarium decorations you are presently searching for, what is more crucial is to carefully pick premium quality products that won’t pose any hazard to your fish tank dwellers. In other words, only consider getting decors for fish tanks that are particularly designed for that purpose.

In reality, it could be intricate to figure what appropriate decors for aquariums are because there are lots of them readily available on the market and they generally consist of corals, caves, rocks, driftwoods and the like. For that reason, you can end up buying worthy investment if you choose a credible brand.

Whatever your choices are, always see to it that the décor would not negatively affect the tank water chemistry in order for your pet fish to delight in a safe, clean and natural-like haven. In short, go for the ones that are manufactured for fish tank keeping and embellishing only.

The good news for you today is that if you are seeking for some top quality options, the following aquarium decorations reviews and some buying guides tackled in this article can give you some informative insight to significantly assist you get just what you are fishing for.

Best Aquarium Decorations Reviews of 2020

Are you hunting for unique aquarium decorations that won’t put a big hole in your pocket? Then, you have come to the right place, you can give this cool décor design a try and provide your pet fish a great spot where it can hide and enjoy life inside the tank.

This ornament is harmless for both marine and freshwater applications. It is built with a solid base so it is not prone to hovering around once you submerged it in water. Its size is good enough to fit instantly in nearly any home aquarium. This does not require high maintenance since you only have to wipe it down thoroughly and wash it off with warm water.

  • Manufactured using harmless and sturdy resin
  • Can be used as a cake topper, centerpiece or paperweight for fanatics of the event
  • Ideal means to teach kids about fish keeping
  • Built to be the best accent to any fish tank of different sizes
  • No sweat to clean and maintain

Large aquarium decorations are definitely a must to have if you keep a large tank where your most precious pet fish swim, play and move around. It is good to know that this tank décor comes with a decent size where your fish can comfortably move around and enjoy their new breeding place.

This is quite easy to set up and it does not shake once positioned properly. It is an eye-catching item that all kids will love. As a matter of fact, this can be one of the best presents that you can ever give to a kid who is into fish or aquarium keeping.

  • Can serve as a very captivating centerpiece in any fish tank
  • Capable of creating a cool and unique embellishment inside the tank
  • Beneficial for both freshwater and marine tank applications
  • Good for small or medium-sized fish species
  • Priced at a very cheap selling cost

This is a little pricey aquarium décor but it looks classy and real. It seems to be more ideal for turtle and reptile setups where it would not be completely submerged in water.

Aquarium keepers need to have this décor slightly sanded particularly its edges to avoid harming fish. It can serve as the focal point of the fish tank and for sure your pet fish would love playing and swimming through this cool décor. This could look more wonderful under a radiant LED lighting system.

  • Replicates real mangrove roots that could be seen in nature
  • Does not contain any toxic components
  • Harmless to pet fish and live plants
  • Can guarantee solid and secure placement
  • A perfect addition for medium to large-sized tanks

Have you given up searching for realistic aquarium decorations? Well, there is no reason for you to frown if you check out the exciting design and features of this fish tank adornment. It is big enough and capable of adding a stellar attraction inside the aquarium.

By the look of it, you can see that this décor could encourage visual interest for you and your pet fish. This could add a very exquisite adornment that you, your fish and guests would love glancing at. If you want your fish to stay active and happy, this castle can help them fight off boredom since they could have a place to play, move and swim around.

  • Specifically designed to be double-sided
  • Beautifully hand-painted that offers realistic feel
  • Can be possibly positioned anywhere in the aquarium
  • Safe to utilize for both freshwater and saltwater uses
  • Comes with holes that offer safe hiding spot for fish

Perhaps, you are wondering where to buy extra-large aquarium decorations and if these are ideal choice worth purchasing. This volcano tank décor is large enough yet it won’t make the aquarium look congested.

Once you purchased the kit, it already consists of the airline tubing, bubble maker with built-in LED light, power adapter and the décor. This is built using harmless resin that won’t bring about any hazard to your aquarium inhabitants and to the environment. It is undemanding to set up and it works quite reliably in improving the artistic appeal of the tank.

  • Works superbly at adding beneficial bubble to the tank water
  • No trouble to install and improves the overall tank appeal
  • Manufactured using toxic-free and safe resin that’s fish and environmentally-friendly
  • Helps improve the living condition inside the aquarium
  • Already includes a bubble maker with built-in LED light

Sometimes, it could be time-consuming to decide which freshwater or saltwater aquarium décor to select from considering there are tons of choices that you can encounter in both local stores and online shops. If you wish to narrow down your options, you can scout out what this tank décor has in store for you.

Once you have this décor installed in your tank, your pet fish would look marvelous weaving through the openings. It is designed to have dynamic colors and the acrylic castle is manufactured using sturdy acrylic material. The paint job and details of this piece are out of this world. It could surely make the aquarium look like a great view that you would you adore.

  • Designed to have vibrant color and made of durable acrylic material
  • Ideal for house fish tank as it can form a real nature for the fish tank
  • Can perfectly fit a 20-gallon tank
  • Appears to be perfectly crafted and painted
  • Dependable in beautifying the aquarium

The best fish tank decorations are the ones that look natural even though they are artificial. Just like this ornament, it looks like a real water plant that you could not even tell that it is manufactured using plastic material. It is exciting to purchase something as good as this for a very cheaper price tag.

You will find this tank décor a practical piece to have since it helps make the aquarium look livelier and it won’t put your pet fish’s health at risk. This does a great job when it comes to breaking up lines of sight in a bigger-sized fish tank. Surprisingly, it would be confusing to determine if it is real or not because of its natural look and style.

  • Designed with vibrant colors that add more life to the tank
  • Does not require high maintenance
  • A safe option to add in the tank as it is toxic-free
  • Comes with a solid base that’s made of sturdy ceramic material
  • Can last longer with proper care

While it is obviously true that these cool fish tank decorations are overpriced, still you cannot deny the reality that they are absolute value for the money. They could help transform the tank look like a natural and ocean-like environment that your pet fish will thank you for.

To boot, these are great for many different uses aside from aquariums since they could also be used for growing live corals, developing live rocks and they are perfect pick for coral farming. They are also supreme in terms of being accustomed to the live habitat and won’t in any way have a negative impact in terms of cycling your tank. Please note that they need to be soaked in deep water in order to effectively avoid leeching.

  • Does not contain any Biofilm
  • Incredible pick for cultivating live corals, developing live rocks as well as coral farming
  • Built to be organically porous biological filter
  • Specifically designed for conserving natural reefs
  • Quite practical for aquascaping purposes

Whether it is for saltwater or freshwater aquarium decorating purposes, this tank décor would be a great choice that won’t put your hard-earned money to waste. This is one of the top-rated picks for small and medium size aquariums that need enchanting ornaments to entertain various fish species residing inside them.

If you are going to observe this log, you will see that there are holes which are large enough for your pet fish to fit through. You will love the sight of seeing your aquatic friend exploring and enjoying its new cave. With this added to your tank, you will be amazed of the aquarium’s transformation.

  • Offers a nice spot where fish can play, sleep, hide, breed and rest
  • Appears radiant and more colorful when submerged in water
  • Can provide underwater nature landscape to your fish tank
  • Designed with flat foundation and is completely hollow
  • Friendly and safe for all types of fish and aquariums

If you prefer affordable, natural-looking and wondrous marine or freshwater aquarium décor, these vibrantly-colored plants would absolutely look spectacular inside your tank.

They are good at transforming a dull fish tank into a colorful and lively environment that not only you but also your pet fish will be crazy about. These are toxic-free, are not prone to rot and rust and allow your aquatic buddies to swim, play, roam and move freely.

  • Exceptional at creating colorful and vibrant environment in the tank
  • Manufactured using motionless and non-metallic plastic with a ceramic foundation
  • Features removable leafy components of the plants
  • Specifically designed to fit larger aquariums
  • Calls for minimum maintenance only

Hygger Resin Trunk Ornament Bring a touch of nature to your aquarium with Hygger Resin Trunk Ornament. This trunk has pretty outlook, textured detail, and unique mottled color to add interest and appeal to any fish tank. It’s an exotic, cute accessory that looks great on its own or with other plants, and complements any naturalistic look. Features: Provides hiding spots for small aquatic animals (such as molly fry, guppies, tetras, gouramis, ghost shrimp and etc) to swim through, play and hide Polyresin trunk features smooth opening, unique design and mottled color Perfect accessory for aquariums to complement any naturalistic look Material: polyresin Dimension: 6.3” X 2.5” X 2.3” Weight: 5.2 oz Fish tank size: for small size tank, 1-20 gallon tank

What to Look for When Buying Aquarium Decorations ?


When making the final buying decision for your aquarium decors, the following considerations can be of big help to especially aid you pick the most appropriate product for you:

  • Calculate the size of your fish tank. For sure, you wouldn’t prefer to make your aquarium look crowded as this would only suffocate your pet fish and can make the tank look messy. Only buy the ones that are adequate enough to provide impressive overall look for the aquarium and can still offer sufficient space for your live creatures to move, play and swim around inside the tank.
  • Once you are already well aware of the size of your fish tank, the next thing for you to decide on is the theme you prefer to design in your aquarium. Over-decorating your tank would only make it look cheap so be sure that you have a set theme in mind prior to buying the decors. Just concentrate on a specific theme to avoid clutter.

By the same token

the color of your adornments would be the ones to set the theme for your fish tank. If you wish to come up with a natural-looking theme for your aquarium, live green-colored plants and pea gravel make ideal options when it comes to color.

Meanwhile, vibrant shades as well as neon hues could make a wilder, flashy and more captivating look to certain spots in your fish tank. Once you have made up your mind on a certain theme, carefully pick the color of the embellishments and accessories to complement the overall feel of your aquarium.

  • Check out the proper height of fish tank elements. To do this, you can start by separating the aquarium into 3 sections: bottom, center and top zones. The reason behind this is because fish are more inclined to spending more of their time in any of these 3 sections; hence, it is imperative to keep some rooms free for each zone.

Take into account that fish tend to feel safer and more comfortable if the decors adhere to some sort of structure. See to it to balance the space available in a fair approach. This way, it will be easier to consolidate embellishments as well as accessories without making your pet fish feel distressed.

Think about the color of your pet fish.

  • You can complement or ruin the entire look of the aquarium if wrong color is selected. If the color of your décor and your fish don’t blend well, what do you think will be the end result of your decorations? You can ask for some advice or suggestions or look for some samples if you are not that adept at matching colors.
  • e) Do you keep active fish? Super active fish tend to have a remarkably superior oxygen uptake as compared to inactive ones. Thus, if you are taking care of such fish, oxygen-producing adornments such as bridges, underwater chests and bubble chests could assist in offering generous amount of air so this helps in keeping your pet fish to stay highly active and healthy.
  • f) Keep an eye on sharp edges. Adornments such as artificial plants come with sharp edges at times. Evidently, these could badly endanger your pet fish through creating injuries, scratching their scales and making them prone to serious infections. When selecting embellishments for your fish tank, make certain that you stay away from any options that come with sharp edges. You can still beautify your tank without endangering the safety of your pet fish.
  • g) Mull over on focal points. When adding adornments in your aquarium, it could be practical to choose 1 or 2 focal points. Such points must be capable of being more prominent among the other decors to complement your overall design.

What is an aquarium decoration? 

Fish tank decors consist of natural and artificial adornments that are specifically designed for marine and freshwater applications. These embellishments usually consist of different backdrops and substrate utilized with tanks. Decors are generally labeled as for fish only and others are for fish only with live rocks.

When it comes to reef tanks, corals commonly serve as their very own kind of aquarium adornment. Decors for aquariums work by acting as safe shelters for many fish species. For instance, live rocks serve as organic bio natural filter and are not only meant to offer aesthetics to the overall look of the tank. They teem with various sorts of macro and microorganisms plus other bacteria that execute a good job of cleaning the tank water.

In substance, the decors utilized in your fish tank could affect not solely the manner your aquarium looks but also how your pet fish unite with the elements in the aquarium. Adornments for tanks could offer your pet fish with a lot of zones where they could hide and some spots that they could consider their territory.

Why do you need aquarium decorations? 

Have you ever imagined how an aquarium would look like if it is not adorned with organic or inorganic decors? For sure, one of the joys of aquarium keeping is adorning it with flashy, adorable and impressive embellishments that can add more aesthetics to the overall appearance of the fish tank.

However, aside from beautifying your aquarium with natural or artificial decors, buying some aquarium decorations can provide you with a number of benefits that would definitely delight you and make your fish keeping experience more thrilling, pleasurable and relaxing.

Here are some of the perks that go with decorating your fish tank:

  • Aquarium decors provide your tank a livelier, stunning and more inviting look. This won’t only be enjoyed by beholders but also will be beneficial for your fish tank dwellers.
  • Natural decors offer more engrossing and realistic outcomes. It provides an ocean-like view whenever you glance at your aquarium.
  • Some organic adornments such as live plants would help enhance the overall condition in the aquarium. For instance, live organic plants perform a superb job of increasing oxygen content inside the tank.
  • Inorganic adornments tend to last long since these do not disintegrate like live organic plants.
  • Manufactured decors are more plain sailing to clean.
  • Since inorganic embellishments were not derived from the environment, they won’t in any manner affect sustainability.
  • Artificial decors give aquarium keepers the chance to enjoy more options in terms of sizes and colors.
  • Decorating an aquarium serves as a very fun-filled experience, can effectively combat stress and can be a very great bonding activity among families and friends. Of course, this highly relies on your own sense of style.
  • Decors specifically designed for tank water use do not contain any content that could have bad effect to the chemistry of aquarium water.
  • These are generally sold at reasonable price tags so everyone can freely pick the style and design of their choice without the need to spend extravagantly.

Where to buy aquarium decoration?

By happy chance, decorations specifically made for adorning aquariums are quite easy to look for. You can easily find them in neighboring fish supply stores, specialty pet stores or aquarium shops in your region. Choose to visit bigger stores as they can commonly offer you with a number of options to check out.

If you prefer to look for fish tank decors online, the best online shopping site where you can be provided with numerous choices to explore is Amazon. Here, first-class brands are found and at times these can’t be found on local stores. You can pick from limitless aquarium decors that would look stunning in the current fish tank you are keeping.


In conclusion, there is actually no correct or wrong answer when it comes to investing in the best aquarium decorations. What matters the most in the end is that you select from highly acclaimed brands and pick premium quality products that are specifically designed and manufactured for decorating fish tanks. This way, you can be guaranteed that they are harmless to your pet fish and live plants.

As clearly discussed in this post, make it a habit to opt for fish tank decors that won’t have bad effect to the tank water chemistry. In doing so, you can freely choose whatever styles or designs you prefer since they won’t pose any health risk to the live creatures dwelling inside the aquarium.

Consider taking a closer look at the fish tank decors recommended above and thoroughly examine each product’s features, pros and cons. Once you precisely check out the advantages and disadvantages of each option, it would be a lot easier for you to narrow down your options and you’re more likely to end up making a meaningful final buying decision that you won’t ever regret.

Please note that when it comes to fish tank decors, the aesthetics aspect of the product is not the only factor that must be taken seriously. Be sure to go over the other vital information detailed in this article to make your shopping experience more worthwhile and something to be happy about.

The Best Aquarium Driftwood 2020

Beyond question, the best aquariums driftwood  can add stunning character to every fish tank. In addition, stones, rocks as well as woods create a beautiful foundation for the aquarium hardscape. It is interesting to know that there a number of distinct forms of fish tank driftwood that come in different and captivating shapes and colors.

Still and all, any piece of wood could not be utilized for fish tank driftwood. It is worth noting that fish tank driftwood requires curing and submersion, otherwise it has the tendency to leak tannins and may unattractively affect the color of aquarium water. Surely, you wouldn’t want your fish tank water to be contaminated as this will make your aquarium pets suffer.

Below are some aquarium driftwood products reviews for you to have a careful look. These could assist you decide for the right driftwood that won’t discolor or pollute your fish tank water.

Best  Aquarium Driftwood Reviews 2020

This can be considered as one of the first rate aquarium woods mainly because this is an exemplary piece of driftwood that makes it a great choice. Once added to the fish tank, you will be stunned to see the wood sinking instantly. It is essential to boil it in order to discharge the tannin away; but the boiling process does not need to be long.

This wood commonly comes in two unique sides so you could immediately turn it to have a new stylish appearance. It is certainly impressive and comes with tough as rock, solid look and it is a lot heavier than it actually looks.

  • Very natural and can provide beautifying accent to fish tanks
  • Superb at adding extraordinary aesthetics to aquariums
  • Comes with sandblasted finish to inhibit water pollution
  • Can serve as ideal hiding spot for fish tank inhabitants
  • Certified hardwood so it does not float

It can be challenging to look for various aquarium driftwood types that can be the perfect pick for your aquarium. This sinkable driftwood is made of excellent quality wood that is sturdy enough to combat parched or submerged environments. It is a genuine and natural-looking type of wood that could bring amazing adornment in aquariums.

More than that, the distinctive shapes add to the gorgeous value of the fish tank. This comes with visual variety which simply implies that it comes with varieties of shapes and sizes of pieces of wood that could offer a unique appearance to the aquarium. This wood will instantly become the centerpiece of your fish tank décor.

  • Comes with genuine and natural woods that create realistic adornment
  • Made of premium quality, sturdy and tough driftwood
  • Can last for longer periods of time even in rugged environments or submerged
  • Can provide a great hiding spot for fish tank occupants
  • Package comes in different sizes and shapes

If you are going to check out the list of aquarium safe wood, you will uncover that cholla wood is a good choice for your fish tank. This is completely friendly to all fish tank dwellers and is also highly recommended to be used for hermit crabs, if you prefer to tie a moss with it for some embellishment, or if you keep a shrimp tank.

It is engrossing to know that since it is a natural type of driftwood, unlike others, it does not contain any chemical that may endanger the lives of your aquarium pets.

  • Does not contain any herbicide or fertilizer
  • Harmless for all types of aquarium pets
  • Makes a superior hiding shelter for sensitive and young fish
  • Has been thoroughly cleaned and tenably sourced
  • Ideal for hermit crabs and shrimp tanks

Marina décor is a great pick as driftwood for fish tanks because fish seems to like it inside the aquarium. Once added, you’ll enjoy watching your aquarium friends having fun while swimming and playing around, in and out the aquarium.

When you received the product, you will realize that it comes with bigger size than expected. And, you can’t help but fall in love with its very natural-looking color that could lure your fish tank occupants for sure. This could serve as the centerpiece in a fish tank and you’ll feel stress-free seeing your fish have a good time.

  • Looks like an authentic mangrove roots naturally found in nature
  • Safe to use and risk-free for your marine friends
  • Larger than expected and comes with fascinating color
  • Capable of securing placement
  • Can look even more exquisite with LED lighting

Are you setting your eyes on safe wood for freshwater aquarium? Then, you do not need to exhaust yourself searching further for the suitable driftwood for your fish tank. SunGrow Natural Cholla Wood will help you keep your aquarium buddies safe and at the same time make your fish tank look more attractive than it already is.

This wood requires only a maximum of 2 days of soaking and right there it could already sink to the bottom of the aquarium. It is great for fry, tiny shrimps and fish as this enables them to delight in swimming, breeding and hiding in the driftwood. It is a wonderful entertainment for your pets and it could also become a favorite hiding sanctuary for them.

  • Can ensure a dazzling ornamentation inside the aquarium
  • Certified safe to be used for all types of fish tanks
  • Does not require several days of soaking
  • Can establish a hiding and playing spot for your marine friends
  • Can serve as a source of food and is nutrient-filled

Fish tank owners definitely opt for driftwood aquascape that is safe, a great décor and something that their marine friends will love. If you give this product a try, you won’t be disappointed. This is ideal for terrariums and all sorts of fish tanks. As you can see, it comes with elegant two color African hardwood.

As compared to other types of driftwoods, this one is deemed as the densest and the hardest. It is not prone to disintegration and it is capable of sinking at once. This comes with impressive look, its lighter colored bark and the dark brown color that comes with enticing knots makes it a wonderful decoration to any aquarium. It is very affordable; hence, if you have a limited budget for driftwood, this product makes a wise choice for you to consider.

  • Highly recognized for being the densest and hardest
  • Specifically designed for terrariums and fish tanks
  • Isn’t susceptible to rotting instantly
  • Capable of sinking right away
  • Aids minimize algae growth

There’s no denying that it could be wearisome to look for the right aquarium safe driftwood for your current needs and style. Luckily, this Koyal Wholesale Grapewood Branch won’t add more to your burdens anymore.

This is highly recommended for nearly all events and occasions since it could function as a very magnificent centerpiece in tables and most specifically in any sort of fish tanks. What is more engrossing about this product is that it was naturally formed over time.

  • Offered in a total of 4 distinct sizes to form out-of-the-ordinary centerpieces
  • Ideal for weddings, birthdays, catered presentations, classic candy buffets and baby showers
  • Has been shaped in a natural approach over time
  • Can ensure a perfect balance
  • Seems very thick and durable

Many of us mistakenly think that it is costly to invest in planted aquarium driftwood. Little did we know that there are a lot of options out there that are priced affordably. The good news is that you can wonderfully beautify your fish tank without the need to spend extravagantly.

Just like Emours Natural Driftwood Branches, this product is a nice item to try since it comes with impressive features that you will certainly fall for. Not only that, you will also have the chance to treat your fish and create a lovely habitat for them inside the fish tank.

  • Highly recommended for home garden landscape design
  • Each branch comes with distinctive look
  • Durable branch that is ideal for adornment
  • Can be utilized to build moss tree inside the aquarium
  • Superb for the price and quality

There is no need to waste your money elsewhere since this natural driftwood for aquariums can be the right product you have long been searching for. This cholla wood is absolutely luring wherein each piece comes in disparate color and shapes.

Also, this driftwood is good at reducing and buffering pH levels and is known for shaping a biofilm that is favorable to fish and can make the fish tank even more stable. It is ready for use in aquariums but you need to conduct thorough and repeated cleaning, soaking and boiling prior to adding it to the aquarium.

  • Harmless to all types of animals
  • Aids in buffering and minimizing pH levels in a natural mode
  • Wood comes in extra unique hollow centers and cut uniformly
  • Capable of forming biofilm that’s advantageous to the overall stability of the aquarium
  • Adorable adornment to a shrimp tank

If you are dreaming of adding a magnificent centerpiece in your fish tank, this wood will help you make your dream a reality. The wood comes in varied sizes and it looks amazingly awesome. Its deep brown color makes it appear very sophisticated and natural. This could last even under submerged and parched environments.

This Malaysian driftwood works superbly as a cross over for your marine friends whenever they need to transfer from water to land. This is going to be a perfect friend for most reptiles as well. This comes with the natural ability to submerge in water without requiring you to scratch the bottom of the aquarium’s glass.

  • Each piece of wood comes in different sizes and distinctive look
  • Serves as a cross over from water to land
  • Comes with very appealing deep brown colored wood
  • Can endure parched and submerged environments
  • Sinkable in water without the need to scratch the bottom of the tank

What To Look For When Buying Aquarium Driftwood ?

When purchasing driftwood for your fish tank, it is a must to consider the following factors first:

There are types of driftwood that are inappropriate for fish tanks. The possible reasons for this are that they might be too brittle, toxic and dangerous to your aquarium pets. That said, it is crucial for you to learn more about which types of driftwood to avoid buying for your aquarium.

In general, it is not recommended to purchase driftwoods that are soft. These may include willow, witch hazel, cedar and pine. Basically, such types of driftwoods should not be utilized in aquariums since they degrade a lot faster once they were submersed in your fish tank.

Huge pieces of driftwood might require being secured. Such driftwoods may contain some elements of resilience even after they were cured. It is imperative to secure them with the aid of moderately large rocks so as to hold them in your preferred position.

Take in mind that the connotation of “the best” highly relies on your personal needs and preferences. Not to mention, there are different kinds of driftwood that are sold in the market nowadays, and the truth is, deciding for which one is best for you solely depends on your personal preference.

It is because of this why it matters for you to take your time when selecting and do not ever buy something that you don’t prefer precisely because it is less costly or comes from a particular brand.

In a structural perspective, keep in mind that the harder and firmer the driftwood is the better. Therefore, we can safely assume that sturdy and firm driftwood makes a good choice. See to it that the driftwood you are buying is labeled for fish tank use.

What is aquarium driftwood? 

Aquarium driftwood is a fragment of wood that has been snapped off by strong winds, waves or tides that have been immersed onto the river, sea, lake or beach. More than that, it is a structure of seaweeds, marine remnants and vegetation and other forms or ruins.

It could be troubling in some areas that surround tidewater. Be that as it may, driftwood provides cover and serves as source of food for some birds, fish and other living things that live close by waterways or in water since this could also hover in the rivers or seas.

Driftwood works by serving as a base for sand dunes to develop and this is made possible by gribble worms, bacteria and shipworms to cause it to disintegrate, converting it into essential nutrients that are brought out to the food chain.

This does not merely serve as a lovely ornament or embellishment to aquariums, but driftwood can also be utilized as a refuge for various fish tank occupants.

It is critical to highly regard your fish tank as a delicate habitat that is responsive to change. And so, you’ll want to ensure that you fill in your driftwood for risk-free use. Moreover, even prior to starting the process of building up your driftwood, you’ll want to ensure that your choice is suitable with your fish tank.

What are the different types of aquarium driftwood?

Rose Wood Roots

These come with thick and uncommon branch. They could form radiant effects by means of having the roots divide down into the substrate. These are appropriate and enchanting driftwood for fish tanks.


This has some of the most extraordinary shapes and is perceived as more buoyant to wear as compared to other types of driftwood. It is one of the most famous styles and comes with branchy appearance. This could be more costly but can serve a long-lasting investment.

This driftwood requires more curing time and it is not recommended to utilize it as fresh or raw primarily because it has the tendency to contaminate the aquarium water.

Malaysian Driftwood

This comes in tough appearance and generally bought as huge pieces of wood. It is ideal for large-sized fish tanks and can be easily identified for having a unique orange color. Nevertheless, this may be at risk for percolating tannins.


This is described as lovely branching driftwood. It could be obtained in huge pieces. Cured and whole pieces of this driftwood could be quite pricey; yet it is very adorable and sophisticated. This is a topnotch option for aquarists who own huge fish tanks and look for a single piece of driftwood. Huge pieces of this wood are usually broken down and purchased in smaller sets.

Cholla Wood

This is an amazing patterned style of driftwood. It is certainly pricey and may be difficult to find. It comes with hole-like structure and it is not probable to last as long as tougher varieties. Its sophisticated and fine stemmed patterns have the potentiality to disintegrate faster in fish tanks after several months or years.

Why do you need aquarium driftwood? 

  • The addition of driftwood into your aquarium could definitely help safeguard and sustain a lower pH in your fish tank. As you can see, this is especially advantageous if you are an aq

A plenty of fish need moderately acidic water conditions and adding driftwood in your fish tank is one of the helpful means to form such environment.

  • Putting driftwood in the aquarium could also stimulate the fish’s natural behavior. Fish tend to get naturally lured with driftwood since this exists in waterways, rivers, oceans and lakes. It serves as a breeding and hiding spot for fish and this may even become their source of food as well.
  • Driftwood comes in impressive appearance aside from promoting and sustaining a safe habitat within a fish tank. Just like filter media and substrate in a fish tank, this greatly assists in the development of good bacteria.

It is worth mentioning that these bacteria are very indispensable as they disintegrate fish by-products into less harmful compounds that aids keep your aquarium inhabitants safe and healthy. Driftwood can guarantee a healthy outgrowth of the beneficial bacteria.

  • Driftwood does a great job at bolstering the fish’s immune system. When this is submersed, the natural tannins will gradually percolate into the fish tank water. These tannins form a moderately acidic habitat that assists in warding off ailment-causing bacteria.

Essentially, the tannins discharged could also enhance the available oxygen in the water line and this would better stimulate the immune system of the fish.

Where to buy aquarium driftwood?

You can purchase driftwood in specialty fish keeping stores, local pet stores nearby or in various online shopping sites such as eBay, Amazon, AliExpress and other legit and highly trusted sites.


To put it in a nutshell, there seems to be a plenty of the best driftwood for aquarium products that are sold in local fish or pet stores and online; then again, the real struggle is determining which one is actually the most outstanding choice for your fish tank in terms of cost, quality and safety.

When you spend more time picking an excellent piece of driftwood to add in your aquarium you absolutely wish it to look stunning. Even so, you are not merely buying it for the sake of aesthetics because you should also consider the safety and health of your aquarium pets.

With the aquarium driftwood product reviews above, picking the right one for you is no longer an arduous task to deal with. Make sure that you carefully read the guides shared above to help you make the best possible decision for your fish tank and aquarium pets.

Best Rocks for Freshwater Aquarium 2020

Rocks for freshwater aquarium should be inert. When you say inert, this conveys that the rocks should have no effect on the hardness or pH of your fish aquarium water. It is essential to note that freshwater terrains are regarded as soft water; as a result, putting the wrong types of rocks to your aquarium would just affect your water to be hard so your tank occupants will find it uncomfortable to dwell in.

To boot, an African Cichlids plus many other hard water originating freshwater fish are exclusions to where you could utilize calcareous rocks that do not contain salt. Basically, calcareous rocks contain calcium and are known to bring about pH and are also the cause of boosting hardness in tank water. It is usually beneficial to add clean wood that aids soften the water if you opt for a softer freshwater.

If you are currently in search of the best rocks for freshwater aquarium, take in mind that some of the inert rocks that are certainly risk-free options and could absolutely look appealing in your freshwater aquarium consist of plastic rocks, basalt rock, lava rocks, quartz, slate or shale.

Best Rocks for Freshwater Aquarium Reviews 2020

If you would like to shop for safe and natural rocks for fish tank, then this Royal Imports pebbles rocks will definitely be a great addition to your tank. This won’t only help make your aquarium look more attractive, but your fish and other invertebrates will surely love them too.

The common applications for this type of pebble rocks are for decorative concrete topping, flowerbeds, walkway paving, and groundcover. These are ideal pebble rocks that are deemed as an economical and permanent option to yearly wood composting.

  • Non-toxic and environment-friendly river rocks
  • Ideal for home decor and an artistic interior/exterior design
  • Excellent shapes that provide good drainage
  • Practical alternative to yearly wood mulching
  • Durable and does not deteriorate instantly

These rocks are highly recognized for being safe rocks for freshwater aquarium. They are hardscape types of stones that are specifically created by skillful designers to provide a more realistic presence that is ideal for Amano or Iwagumi kind of aquascaping.

You do not need to worry about the safety of your aquarium pets since these are all-natural stones that are non-toxic for shrimps and other plants, with minor changes to the chemistry of water. They are particularly utilized in creating a natural backdrop in your setup, bonsai garden, terrarium, conventional Japanese rock garden or biotope tank.

  • Reptile and aquarium safe
  • Fascinating rocks at a superb price
  • Come with premium quality and variety
  • Good embellishment for tanks and terrariums
  • Come with unique crevices, textures as well as shapes

The rocks are considered one of the best aquarium rocks that you can purchase since they are easy to aquascape. They are porous and there is no need for you to utilize any putty or glue just to stick them together.

As compared to other reviews that say these rocks are unreal, if you’re going to look closely, you will observe that they actually come with some browning on them which simply implies that this is one quality of an authentic dry rock.

  • Real dry rock from the Atlantic ocean
  • Premium quality
  • Great value for the money
  • Easy to pile and looks natural
  • Superb deal and variety of sizes

If you plan to shop for cool fish tank decoration ideas, the natural slate stone is a great pick. This works superbly in embellishing your home, as a ground cover for indoor plants and when designing vases and bowls that are displayed in your dwelling place.

They actually come in multiple uses and are a famous choice when crafting steps, caverns, archways, doll houses, model railways and the like. Since it comes in many different uses and is not only meant for aquariums, then it is safe to say that it is a practical choice to consider.

  • Ideal for constructing ground cover, fairy gardens, and walkways
  • Superb for vivariums, terrariums and aquascaping tanks
  • Exceptional shape and size for rock painting
  • Can naturally hold heat for reptiles
  • Attractive home décor in vases and bowls

This VORCOOL Aquarium Sea Rock Cave Ornament is one of the best rocks for aquariums because it looks somewhat realistic in the tank and comes with a fine size of three by up to ten-gallon tanks. With that, you can be guaranteed to give your tank occupants a great spot to hide and get out of the light whenever they prefer to.

If you are looking after a Betta, then make sure to sand down this rock’s edges to avoid any issue. The holes are adequately-sized so your Betta could glide in and out without the need to accidentally hit the sharp edges.

  • Ideal for Cory fish and bottom inhabitants
  • Provide a nice dark area for fish to chill in
  • Very attractive aquarium décor
  • Give the tank a more natural look
  • Can provide the necessary air to African dwarf frogs

If you are a tank owner, you would surely agree that it can be daunting to keep a safe haven for your aquarium friends at times. In addition, it isn’t easy to make your aquarium look fascinating not only to your guests but more so to your freshwater friends.

Luckily, with the aid of fish tank river rocks, you can create a wonderful dwelling spot for your freshwater pets and at the same time keep them risk-free at all times.

  • Can help add natural aesthetics to your terrarium or tank
  • Tan-colored and lightweight
  • Come with exotic-like specification
  • Packed with a good amount of premium quality rocks
  • Nice variety of sizes

Are you presently hunting for a premium quality lava rock in aquarium? Then, American Fireglass lava rock will work wonders for you!

We all want to invest in products that are premium quality, low maintenance, economical and can stand the test of time. By happy chance, these rocks come in a variety of sizes and come with a porous surface. They are especially ideal for fire pits, fire bowls, and other outdoor or indoor fireplaces.

  • Certified all-natural lava rocks
  • Ideal for indoor or outdoor use
  • Long-lasting and great value for the money
  • Easy to maintain
  • Aid in retaining moisture to plants

Undoubtedly, it is not a piece of cake to shop for big rocks for aquarium since there is a significant number of an option to select from. If you would like to avail something that comes in superb specifications, then you may check out Nature’s Ocean 12-Inch Coral Base Rocks for Aquarium.option

This product is capable of instantly adapting to the live environment and does not do anything negative to the cycle of your aquarium. It can serve as a naturally porous biological filter, does a very vital job in aquascaping and it is certified free of Biofilm.

  • Appealing tank decorations
  • Known for conserving natural reefs
  • Ideal for growing live corals, culturing live rocks and coral farming
  • Does not have a huge effect on the cycling of the tank
  • Biofilm-free and good for aquascaping

Underwater Galleries Cichlid Stones are nice to behold just like large river rocks for aquarium. They come in roomy interiors that are particularly intended for tank occupants to explore while at the same time providing shielded breeding niches for them.

This product is king because it is eco-friendly and won’t minimize or displace the amount of water in the tank. Moreover, it is formed with proper care and is certified hand-glazed to offer a more natural and attention-grabbing look of perfection.

  • Does not displace a huge volume of water
  • A piece of cake to set up and move around
  • Comes in several holes and caves in tiny space
  • Made of high-quality ceramic
  • Environment-friendly and lightweight

Would you prefer to purchase something that looks like aquarium river rocks? Surely, we always wish for a tank rock that can add beauty to our aquarium and at the same time can serve as our most cherished fish’s hiding and resting spot. Luckily, Penn Plax Stone Replica Aquarium Decoration Realistic Granite Look can give you all that.

Since every rock is isolated from each other, you could instantly organize the stones as per your fish needs and aquarium size. Take note that the bigger stones come with a flat top for the purpose of piling up and more stability.

What To Look For When Buying Rocks For A Freshwater Aquarium ?


Selecting rocks for your tank should be based on appearances, cleanliness, safety and best value. As a result, when buying rocks online or at local fish stores, you may ponder on the following guides below so you can pick the most thriving and healthiest rocks for your aquarium.

Following guides:

  1. Search for appealing rocks that are colored red, pink and purple. The reason behind this is because such colors are deemed as matured and healthy coralline algae colors which your tank inhabitants will certainly adore.
  2. Do not opt for rocks that come with slimy texture and black algae for these are evident signs of dead entities that may contaminate the aquarium in the long run.
  3. Choose rocks that have crevices and holes in them for these will serve as hiding or resting hubs for your tank occupants. These could also act as great bacteria colonies. Check if the holes or crevices are big enough for fish to hide or dwell in.
  4. Carefully check the rocks for any signs of living creatures that may be dangerous to your fish as well. If the rock does not look good, then better leave it there.
  5. When looking for rock decors for your tank, smell them first. If they smell rotten or fishy, then this could mean they aren’t cured.
  6. Ask yourself how much you are willing to spend for rock decors to be added in your tank. Then, adjust your options based on that. But, be reminded not to compromise quality. Do not go for cheaper options if these cannot guarantee the valuable specifications that must be considered when investing in aquarium rock decors.
  7. Inspect if the sizes of the rocks you are eyeing to buy will fit well in your tank. Make sure that you do not over-decorate the aquarium as this will only cause congestion and discomfort inside the tank.

Why do you need rocks for freshwater aquarium?

If you own an aquarium, then you must specially consider adding some safe and appealing embellishments inside the tank in order for your fish not to feel dull and comfortless inside. Without question, tank decors can considerably aid avoid make your aquarium look empty and not a good hiding or resting spot for your tank occupants.

For sure, a lot of people would prefer to stare at an aquarium that has adorable and stunning woods and rocks inside. Indeed, rocks and other decors assist in providing an identical look of the natural ecosystem for the fish. Up until now, there are some factors to be mulled over prior to putting these decors to your tank which were discussed above.

Now, let us explore on the benefits of adding rocks to your tank!

  • Some fish feed themselves with algae from woods or rocks on their natural ecosystem. Hence, putting rocks in the aquarium will provide tank occupants additional instinctual activities and this is advantageous for them to have a natural and healthy form of diet.
  • Rocks can provide a wonderful spot for specific bacteria to nitrify and create their territory. Moreover, these are good bacteria that aid ward off toxic substances like nitrites and ammonia from tanks.
  • Nearly all aquarium enthusiasts prefer to keep fish in an environment that is identical to their natural ecosystem. This is not as valuable as in the past because lots of fish these days are generally bred in confinement. Nevertheless, it is still wonderful to see fish inside an aquarium that is a replica of their natural habitat.
  • Since most fish tend to conceal themselves from people and other tank inhabitants, rocks are effective spots for them to hide. Rocks also help fish feel more protected if these are utilized for living in caves. And, rocks can serve as a potential breeding place or laying eggs for your tank friends.
  • Rocks can be beneficial in setting certain water parameters that your tank accounts especially require.
  • The most typical advantage of adding rocks to your tank is for visual purposes. Surely, the aquarium will look more attractive if you incorporate eye-capturing rock designs.

What are the different types of aquarium rocks?

There are 3 primary categories of the kinds of rocks that could be utilized in aquariums- each of them has its own sub-category. This consists of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

Igneous rocks that can be utilized in tanks comprise of basalt, gabbro, and dolerite. Sedimentary rocks consist of limestone, breccia, marl, conglomerate, sandstone, and shale. Meanwhile, metamorphic rocks include dolomite, schist, marble, quartzite, gneiss, phyllite, slate and hornfels. Hinging on the biotype, take note that all of these rocks must be appropriate for aquariums.

Where to buy rocks for freshwater aquarium?

Rocks for freshwater tanks can be purchased in different ways and from diverse sources and some of these consist of the following:

  • Garden nurseries or garden centers
  • Landscape firms that might sell sleek river rocks and other aggregates in a wholesale mode
  • Home improvement centers that have gardening departments in them
  • Various and trusted online shopping sites like eBay, Amazon and the like.

As you know, all of these sources can virtually provide you with less costly and attractive gravel and rocks. Take into account that you have to be careful in making your selections. It is advised to make it habit to test your gravel or rocks prior to utilizing them in a tank.


While it is true that adding stones or rocks to a tank is rapidly becoming a very renowned trend at present, still, it is better to administer a little research prior to making the final purchase. Make it a point that your rocks are aquarium-friendly and safe for fish. If you have problems with choosing what types of rocks to pick or you find it hard to identify them, you can consult your local aquarist for some assistance.

Laid on the line, it is seriously important to clean the rock carefully prior to adding them in the aquarium. Keep in mind that while decorating your tank with various plants and rocks significantly help make the tank look more attractive, some of these may only disturb or put them in danger; hence, you’ve got to ensure that what you add in the tank won’t make your tank inhabitants unhealthy and unhappy.

Hope the best rocks for freshwater aquarium reviews aforesaid are of great help to you!

Best Silk Aquarium Plants 2020

The bliss of keeping a fish tank is amusing and demanding at the same time. While you get to relax watching your marine pets swim and play around, owning an aquarium is a serious responsibility. It is critical to be extra cautious with the things that you decide to add inside the tank because one mistake can put the lives of your aquarium dwellers at risk.

Keeping a fish tank seriously requires looking after the stuff that you put inside such as the plants. At present, a plenty of aquarists prefer to add the best silk aquarium plants mainly because this comes with an authentic look. And, most importantly, these are hassle-free to maintain.

Basically, it is essential to have a deeper grasp with regards to the distinction between silk and plastic fish tank plants. It is a must to learn more about each option so you can come up with a well-considered decision. In so doing, you can be guaranteed that your fish will remain healthy and safe and the fish tank will be beautifully adorned.

The following fish tank silk plants below can help you gingerly select the best possible option for your needs and preference. So, have a careful look at each of them.

Best Silk Aquarium Plant Reviews 2020

If you opt for the best artificial aquarium plants for your fish tank, then this item is really the best choice for an unexcelled price. The plant is soft so the fish won’t feel any discomfort even when they swim around it. In the same way, its natural appearance makes a great adornment to any types of fish tank.

For the money, you certainly get what you pay for. The vanes are big enough; it comes with a little frayed edges that are not dangerous to fish and is designed with twiggy plastic stems. This is very gentle for any type of fish.

Undoubtedly, it is tiring to shop for the most realistic artificial aquarium plants these days since there are limitless alternatives to check on. Fortunately, with Blue Ribbon silk plant, you no longer need to prolong your exhaustion in searching. The colors of this plant aid make the colors of the fish inside the aquarium to stand out even more.

Moreover, the fish appears to feel more secured since they could have a hiding place just like when they are swimming in the wild. You will love to see your aquarium pets search the leaves, hide and swim around. As you can see, there are so many little places among the plants for your finned friends to roam around and hide.

BEGONDIS plant decoration is pliable, soft and ideal for fish that have sensitive fins. It moves smoothly inside the aquarium with minimal current. What is more, this could be clustered together so to provide a more natural-looking and a more secured hiding hub for your baby or shy fish that search for some privacy and seclusion.

And, the base of this plant comes with the adequate weight in order to keep them precisely where you placed them. Fish will love it because they look identical with real plants that they could find in the wild.

This may be similar with realistic aquarium plants in terms of appearance and the way it moves when placed in the water. It comes with broad leaves that bend out nicely and provide many surfaces for your aquarium pets to rest on. This also comes with ideal height that is specifically meant to give the plant some shield on the upper half of the fish tank.

In like manner, this plant is very easy to clean and maintain. It is somewhat made from polyester material or something identical to this. You will like its very natural and different coloration and you’ll realize that it does not look unreal as compared to other plastic brands.

Hunting for high quality silk fish tank plants is not always a piece of cake type of venture. By happy chance, you can end up buying the suitable one with significant amount of patience and research. Smarlin Aquarium Plants Decoration is soft and certified non-toxic; as a result, it won’t bring any damage to your aquarium residents.

You will be amazed of its varied sizes and the heights of the leaves are capable of offering cozy environment for your betta or other aquarium pets of your choice. Your fish can sleep and rest on this type of fish tank plant. The natural-looking leaves sway beautifully and it seems real and stunning when submerged in water.

A good alternative to silk plants for aquariums is none other than QUMY Large Aquarium Plants Artificial. Its radiant orange and pink colors glowingly illuminate the whole aquarium when the light is on. Its bottom is weighted which simply means that you only have to set it in and it’s not necessary to weight it down with some objects in the aquarium.

What makes this plant a great choice is that it does not require regular pruning and high maintenance just like real plants. And, it does not really look like a cheap plastic; it is capable of establishing a dwelling place for fish that is quite similar with that in the wild. That said, it’s something that fish will love. Thus, it’s a kind of product that you should not ignore.

You can finally end your agony searching for the wrong fake aquarium plants that look real. CNZ Aquarium Decor Fish Tank Decoration can ease your burden and can offer you the best solution for your aquarium plant’s needs. This product is non-toxic so that conveys your aquarium dwellers are good in hands.

The good news is that you can now embellish your fish tank using artificial plants without worrying whether this is safe or not. This is not a high maintenance type of plant and it does not look like plastic made once it was added in the water. Its ravishing color makes a pretty addition in your fish tank. At long last, you can have an aquarium adornment that can entertain and make your fish happy and more active.

If you are currently planning to purchase realistic fake aquarium plants that are exquisite as floating plants, then there is no need to waste your hard-earned money elsewhere. MarineLand Bamboo can serve as a wonderful shelter for fish at all levels in an aquarium.

To boot, this plant is leafy and you may rearrange it if you prefer particularly if you do not want it to consume too much of the aquarium. This could actually branch out if you allow it. It is engrossing to know that this comes with soft leaves that fish will definitely love.

Often times, premium quality plastic aquarium plants are hard to find. But, speaking of quality and functionality, you can count on CNZ Aquarium Fish Tank Green Lifelike. The base of this plant is well-weighted and its roots stick out; hence it makes it appear slightly more authentic.

And, similar with live aquatic plants, this one comes with full and large leaves and its roots are designed as life-like so this makes it capable of offering a wonderful shade close by the base.

This brand won’t fail you if you opt for unreal aquarium plants that are easy to add and maintain. Although they are unreal, they do not have a negative effect on the water’s pH level. Apart from serving as a stunning décor in fish tanks, it could also build a stress-free shelter for your most treasured finned buddies.

Its vibrant color is quite adept at brightening the aquarium’s landscapes and this makes your fish tank an even more impressive sight to glance at after a long and tiring day. Essentially, this plant won’t introduce any dangerous foreign substances in the aquarium.

This plant seems real aquatic plant and comes in feathery appearance. Moreover, it comes in small to medium size. While it is not a real plant, it is not a harmful adornment that can be added inside the aquarium. It is designed with thick leaves that are especially intended to offer a cozy hub for betta fish and other fish species.

Indeed, fish will love it as it could serve as a resting or hiding spot for them. The leaves move beautifully just like real ones so people could hardly tell that it’s artificial. Its gorgeous green color adds a very impressive and natural look in the fish tank.

This artificial aquatic plant comes with super bright colors that come in distinct sizes that are quite vivid and ravishing when added in the water; therefore, it could successfully beautify your fish tank. It is highly recommended for large-sized aquariums.

Furthermore, the vivid and dynamic colors make the aquarium come alive. Your aquarium dwellers will definitely be fascinated with their newly adorned home. Keep in mind that it is imperative to wash the plants carefully prior to adding it in the aquarium since it may contain strange substances that could put the lives of your fish and other live aquatic plants in danger.

What To Look For When Buying Silk Aquarium Plants ?


Plastic and silk plants come in a broad array of colors and sizes so it is advised to measure your fish tank first before you purchase one. Make sure that the height and width of the silk plant won’t clutter or consumer too much space in the aquarium.

Luckily, these plants are easy to find and can be obtainable any time of the year. These do not bring in parasites or pests from other places. What makes them a great option over real plants is that they do not foul the aquarium water and they do not easily disintegrate. As a result, they do not pollute the fish tank water. Newbies will find them so practical since they are not difficult to take care of unlike real ones.

Prior to making the final purchase, the only things you need to consider are the color, size and the materials the silk plants are made of. Of course, first and foremost, would be the amount of money you’re willing to spend for the product. Once all these are carefully thought of, you won’t have any worries!

What is a silk aquarium plant? 

Silk aquarium plants are ideal alternatives for real aquatic plants. These are typically cost-effective, does not require certain lighting and water conditions, fertilizer and regular trimming unlike real plants.

These are generally made of high quality soft plastic materials that are non-toxic to aquarium inhabitants, whereas the base of the plant is made of ceramic. They are available in different sizes, designs, shapes and colors. You can obtain them all year round and these are not that expensive.

They are not prone to various bacteria buildup; they require thorough washing and soaking before being added to the aquarium to reduce the plastic smell. Meanwhile, other types of silk fish tank plants come in sharp points or edges that needed to be fixed so as to avoid causing wounds and any other sorts of injuries to your finned friends.

Furthermore, they can serve as the best resting or hiding spots for various fish species inside the aquarium. Without question, these are charming adornment to all fish tanks especially when partnered with LED lighting.

Once these are added to the aquarium, they can serve as real plants that sway and move gorgeously provided that they have stable and heavy base to keep them in secured place. Their placement will depend on your preference.

Why do you need a silk aquarium plants? 

Silk aquarium plants are more preferred by more and more aquarists because unlike live aquatic plants, these are comparably easy to clean and maintain and they generally cost less. Just like real plants, they can be a very alluring addition to any type of fish tank.

There are also a number of advantages why it is better to opt for silk fish tank plants than real ones and some include the following:

  1. They do not necessitate regular or thorough maintenance. There is no need for fertilizer to keep them healthy, they do not consume oxygen and they do not obstruct the filter.
  2. They look real but you do not necessarily have to pay more. These are actually nearly identical with live aquatic plants and at times they may even look more ravishing. They are less pricey too since they do not call for additional equipment to operate the tank unlike real plants.
  3. Silk fish tank plants can be planted almost anywhere you wish precisely because they do not need any substrata ever.
  4. They generally don’t pose any danger of carrying snails or other types of parasites. For a fact, artificial plants may be safely utilized in quarantined areas or hospitals.
  5. They do not decay and these are no sweat to clean and maintain. These do not necessitate specific water or lighting conditions.
  6. They can provide fish with resting and hiding spots, they won’t be consumed by aquarium inhabitants and there is no need to regularly trim them unlike real plants.
  7. These are great option for fish that are susceptible to consume or uproot live aquatic plants.

Where to buy silk aquarium plants?

Silk plants may be found in local fish or pet stores in your current place or sometimes you may purchase them in home improvement centers. On the other hand, if you prefer shopping online, you may also buy them in Petstore, Petsmart, Petco, Lowes, eBay, Amazon and many other credible online shopping sites out there.

Surely, there are so many options for you to select from according to your present needs and style.


Without exception, you may be overly worried about all the struggles that come with adding live aquatic plants in your fish tank since these are very demanding and could be tedious to take care of. This is the sole reason why more and more aquarium keepers prefer the best aquarium silk plants over other options.

If you need some ideas about the different and highly trusted silk plant brands and manufacturers, and you need to learn more about the right option that could cater to the needs of your fish and aquarium, then the comprehensive product reviews aforesaid can help you end up buying the perfect product for you.

Best Aquarium Plants to Reduce Nitrates 2020

Aside from aesthetics, plants play a vital role in building a natural ecosystem. They significantly aid in producing oxygen while at the same time does a valuable job in absorbing nitrates and carbon dioxide – all of which assist in keeping the aquarium healthy and tidy, a plants reduce nitrates.

In addition to this, fish look up to the abundant habitat they provide. With vigorous green hues and lush foliage, plants could be a very appealing addition to your freshwater aquarium.

Nonetheless, plants just like all living creatures require proper care. Truth is, it is crucial to obtain a vast insight with some specific plants; fortunately, there are plenty of plant species that are recommended for newbie aquarists.

Take in mind that caring for your plants starts with selecting the ones which are appropriate for your aquarium. Hence, you should ensure that the plants you pick are certified as underwater plants, this conveys that they could totally and safely survive even when they are submerged in water.

If you are prepared to add plants to your freshwater aquarium, it is certainly useful to take a careful look of the best aquarium plants to reduce nitrates reviews below so you can ensure providing them with the suitable form of care and come up with well-informed decision if they are the right option for you.

Best Aquarium Plant To Reduce Nitrates Reviews 2020

If you hope to buy a live aquarium embellishment, then Marimos will perfectly fit your reference. These are certified lovely aquarium adornment that comes with spherical form and profound green color and is quite easy to take care of. Indeed, their out-of-the-ordinary look makes them a wonderful centerpiece aquarium décor in any tiny aquarium.

Marimos are ideal wedding presents and these are conventionally given as gifts that symbolize commitment and love to a lover in Japan. They are broadly renowned for use in various containers, vases, jars as well as terrariums.

Do you wish to come up with a natural biological filter in your aquarium and have plants that could effectively suck in nitrates from waste? Then, this aquatic plant is for you! It is good at providing natural dwelling and hiding hubs for your tinier fish as well as invertebrates.

This is ideal for 10+ gallons tanks. It is capable of forming a natural terrain for various fish species and invertebrates as well.

Are you currently searching for high nitrate absorbing plants? This heart-shaped and glossy house plant will help you bring more color to your dwelling place or workplace. It comes with crawling stems that could grow as high as 8 feet or more.

Possesses aerial roots that could be prepared to move up in a trellis or moss stick. It is famous for being a tree-crawler in its natural tropical hub.

Are you wondering how to lower nitrates in a freshwater aquarium? Then, you need to look for aquatic plants that are not solely good to behold but are also beneficial to your most cherished fish in the tank. These aquarium plant seeds are great even for those who do not have much knowledge or experience in caring for plants.

When the seeds develop, the water grass becomes quite unburdensome to look after. At the period it begins growing in the tank, it is a lot easier to trim; as a result, it maintains good health and the appropriate fit. They only necessitate 2 to 4 watts of light per gallon and with an adequate amount of lighting; it will for sure become a stunning embellishment in your aquarium.

Aquatic Arts live hornworts plants may aid bring high nitrites in a new aquarium. These are perfect plants for newbies as they are not actually challenging to grow. They are recognized for being an adorable upgrade over artificial plants and they are capable of growing by up to 8 inches in height provided they are given with suitable nutrients. They serve a very vital role in biological filtration.

More than that, these are uniquely-looking plants in that they float without roots in them. They remain fine with low light setups; however, it is important to consider that exposing them to more light could lead to denser and more instant growth period.

Duckweeds are adorable because they look like a water lens floating type of plant that grows easily in no time. The fronds or leaves are quite tiny and they come in lovely light green color. Typically, this type of plant thrives in dense areas and is capable of providing hiding spots for tiny fish and other invertebrates.

Such a plant is uncomplicated to grow and maintain. It is okay with low light conditions; on the other hand, if you prefer fast growth it is best if you provide it with more light. You don’t need to worry about filling your tank with pollutants since this type of plant helps clear away the mess by taking in the waste in the water and with that their growth becomes even a lot faster.

Are you troubling searching for the right gift to a special friend or loved ones who love aquatic plants? If you prefer something that symbolizes timeless love, then marimos are great picks!

Such plants are multi-purpose; they are one-of-a-kind ornaments and varieties of fish species love them for they consider them as their convenient and comfortable hiding place. In other words, if you wish to make your fish take pleasure in roaming around your aquarium, then give them an amusing toy to play with.

Have you decided yet what to add to your tank and make it an enticing and healthy place for your fish to dwell in?

Exo Terra Moss Ball comes with a distinctive absorption resin that is ideal for lessening plenty of the compounds that cause unwanted organic matter build-up. Basically, by means of taking in and blocking nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate within its core, this plant aids in establishing pleasant conditions for plants as well as animals.

Anacharis is a robust grower. It comes with tiny branches that have the tendency to instantly break off from its mother plant and it has the capability to produce new plants. It is surprising to know that it could also form roots that could support itself, it mainly feeds by means of its leaves.

Likewise, this plant is easy to grow, so even if you are still beginner, you won’t have serious problems to handle. However, they are a bit tiring to take care of because they keep growing without trimming and replanting. Be sure to check them every so often to avoid them from being messy.

Are you seriously having a hard time looking for the top-drawer saltwater plants for your tank? Then, your search is over. This type of plant is capable of sustaining pure water conditions for varieties of fish and corals.

It is worth mentioning that this coral food contains prawn eggs, whole organism copepod, oyster eggs, rotifers, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, urchin eggs, as well as, copepod eggs. Truth is this ideal and nutrient-filled type of food for all fish and corals.

What To Look For When Buying An Aquarium Plant To Reduce Nitrates ?

When it comes to purchasing an aquarium plant to minimize nitrates, there are some factors that you need to bear in mind so as to ensure that your preferences and requirements will be successfully met, and some of these are comprised of the following:

  • Look for the one that could be utilized as floating plants and for fish that prefer getting some shade or cover.
  • Opt for the one that could grow instantly and could reproduce in an instant approach.
  • Check if it has the capability to consume up a whole lot of nitrates, nitrites as well as ammonia.
  • Go for the one that is convenient and comfortable for fish varieties to use and enjoy.
  • See if the plant is easy to maintain and does not require special tools, equipment or other materials when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. It is nice to get the plant that would not require an ample amount of time to clean and maintain.
  • Choose the aquarium plant that is visually-appealing so to provide your fish with beautiful habitat and for you to have a kind of sight that is relaxing and stunning to behold after a long and exhausting day at work.
  • Review first if the aquatic plant can serve as a natural water filter that could keep your fish safe and healthy.
  • Invest in a really nice plant that could grow fast and pretty well regardless of where you place it in the aquarium.
  • Aquarium plants that do not require many nutrients; go for the ones that only necessitate a bit of light and do a very good job when planting in different substrates.

What is an aquarium plant to reduce nitrates?

Aquatic plants could actually aid reduce the quality of water. Moreover, if you are not capable of satisfying the needs of aquatic plants, they are more likely to shed leaves, wilt and eventually die.

Of course, the dead plant material will deteriorate over time; and this will produce more nitrogen compounds such as nitrite and ammonia.

Hence, if you do not take proper care of your aquarium plants, these could lead to unpleasant compromises in terms of the quality of the water. The fact is, this is the reason why it matters to look after your plants by providing them with carbon dioxide and strong light.

It is noteworthy that nitrates should not be present in the water of your aquarium. While it is true that it is not the sole most dangerous substance to various fish species, it is still not good to contain in any type of container or tank. Fortunately, there is a myriad of nitrate-consuming plants available these days that could aid filter your tank from this harmful substance.


How does it work?

In particular, fast-growing aquarium plants come with superior demand in elements like phosphate and nitrate among others. Therefore, they could aid in contributing to the decline of phosphate and nitrate concentrations.

Furthermore, the aquatic plants are capable of providing a pleasant hiding habitat and spawning opportunities for different animal inhabitants like shrimp and fish.

Aside from this, oxygen is produced through the process of photosynthesis which in turn does wonder to the tank’s occupants. In this aspect, the introduction of aquarium plants is a very natural method when it comes to minimizing nitrates, which effectively supports the tank’s entire ecosystem.

And, in order to ensure the maximum growth of your aquarium plants, take in mind that it is deemed crucial to supply them with all the necessary nutrients.

It is essential to understand that nitrate-consuming plants serve a very indispensable role when it comes to filtering the aquarium from harmful substances.

What are the different types of aquarium plants to reduce nitrates?

Some of the top aquarium plants that are quite reliable at reducing nitrates include the following:

  • Moss balls. These look cool and look like tiny furry tennis balls. They come in a lot of perks, but most importantly, they are highly acclaimed for superb absorption, process, and utilization of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates in the water.
  • Duckweed. This is best for consuming up and sucking in nitrates in the water. They have rounded floating leaves and are known for being floating plants.


This is a great option for an aquarium 

that could utilize several floating plants and for fish that prefer getting a shade or cover. They grow fast, multiply instantly and are superb at devouring nitrates, nitrite, and ammonia.

  • Water Sprite. This is a stunning plant that is exceptional at filtering the tank particularly in getting rid of nitrates, nitrite, and ammonia from an aquarium. It does a very wonderful job, easy to maintain and requires pruning to be done every now and then.
  • Frogbit. This is also a floating type of plant that has rounded green leaves floating on top of the water. They serve as a cover or shade for fish as well. They grow quite fast that it requires regular trimming to ward them off from overtaking the aquarium.

Allowing this stuff to grow excessively could lead to having an excessive shade that impedes an ample amount of light from getting into the aquarium.

  • Anacharis Elodea. This looks identical to water sprite. It has long green stems that have slightly elongated leaves. It does not matter where you prefer to put in the aquarium.

This plant grows really tall; hence, it is better to utilize it as a mid-ground or foreground plant. It is easy to maintain, does not need more nutrients and is outstanding in filtering the water.

  • Water Lettuce. This looks like a blossoming flower with the head of lettuce. It has green and long square leaves that are moderately rounded at the front.

This aquatic plant requires more nutrients and takes in more substances in the water. However, it comes in a large size so it is intended for bigger tanks. It is good at filtering water and sucking in nitrites, ammonia, and nitrates.

Why do you need aquarium plants to reduce nitrates? Benefits?

Aquarium plants are not merely natural adornment but also come with a number of physical and chemicals benefits. They are very valuable in terms of keeping a healthy and clean tank. These are especially recommended for both newbies and expert tank enthusiasts.

Here are some of the perks that you can enjoy with aquarium plants that reduce nitrates:

  • Serve a very vital role in a distinctive kind of filtration system.
  • They come with the capability to aid get rid of the waste that is discharged by the fish.
  • They do a very pivotal role in eliminating decaying substances or matter.
  • Aquatic plants suck in nitrates by means of using their leaves and with the aid of substrate.
  • Function well in the carbon cycle.
  • Help in promoting a considerable reduction in Algae.
  • They are a great provider of safe and shielded habitat for fry and fish.
  • Aquarium plants help in reconstructing the natural habitat of varieties of fish and animals.
  • Could naturally aid enhance chemical filtration.
  • Aquatic plants greatly help in aeration of the water column.
  • The root systems of aquarium plants encourage substrate security.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most popular aquarium plants to reduce nitrates brands?

The most renowned aquarium plants that have the capability to minimize nitrates include:

  • Duckweed
  • Water Sprite
  • Moss balls
  • Anacharis Elodea
  • Frogbit
  • Water Lettuce

How to plant these plants?

When adding live aquatic plants in the tank, the following must be observed:

A good substrate commonly comprises of 2 layers that are specially designed to grip and provide the necessary minerals that are substantial for the plants. In addition to this, a combination of potting soil and laterite for the lower layer could help guarantee a safe reservoir of minerals- this should be 2 by up to 3 inches.

On the other hand, the top layer must comprise of gravel or sand at least 1 by up to 2 inches. Please be guided that waste particles are a lot uncomplicated to isolate from gravel when extracting the substrate.

Needless to say, plants especially require light for photosynthesis. As you know, fluorescent light is commonly recommended because it is mainly in the blue and red spectrum. The red spectrum is the one that promotes photosynthesis while a mixture with full spectrum lighting is highly advised.

Hinging on the type of plant, 2 watts per gallon is already adequate, plants or deeper aquariums that need more extreme lighting might require 3 watts per gallon.

Since light serves as the sole energy source, see to it that it is on for 10 by up to 12 hours every day and this must be evenly distributed all the though the tank. Carbon dioxide, light, and substrate are the primary factors for flourishing plant growth.

Where can I plant these plants ?

Remember the following when placing plants in se plants?the tank or aquarium:

  • Utilize foreground plants in the front of the aquarium because this remains short.
  • Utilize middle-ground plants that usually grow approximately 4 by up to 10 inches in height, along the sides of the tank and be sure to set aside an open swimming spot close by the middle section of the tank.
  • Consider using the tallest aquatic plants to conceal the heaters and filter tubes of the tank, this must be positioned against the back of the wall of the tank.

How to reduce nitrates in aquariums?

Here are some useful steps to keep nitrates low:

  • Make sure to keep the aquarium clean. Wastes are the prime reason for nitrate production. So, if your tank is clean, there will be fewer nitrates.
  • Never overfeed the fish. One of the main contributors to excessive nitrates and other unwanted wastes is overfeeding.
  • Administer regular water changes. Take note that RO/DI water is an exceptional option when it comes to minimizing nitrate levels.
  • Keep the aquatic plants alive. Since live plants use nitrates, this shall aid keep nitrates regulated.
  • Employ nitrogen reducing filter media. Special filters and costly denitrator are quite pricey, so better utilize a special media filter. While this may not considerably reduce nitrates, if utilized together with other techniques, the outcome will be advantageous.

How to take care of these aquatic plants?

Just keep the water in the tank clean. Do not forget to trim the plants if necessary. Provide the necessary lighting, carbon dioxide, and substrate. Follow the proper care and maintenance procedure of the aquarium plants that you buy and add in your tank.

Where to buy aquarium plants?

Luckily, aquarium plants are not difficult to find. You may start your search in your local fish store but expect that the options are limited. Meanwhile, there are a number of legit online sites like eBay and Amazon where you can buy aquatic plants and these sites often offer a limitless number of options that you can select from.

You only need to conduct a research of other highly trusted online sites where you can buy one.


By far, the most significant benefit that live plants provide for your tank is that they are capable of taking in carbon dioxide as well as ammonia that varieties of fish produce; most importantly, these are adept at producing oxygen.

Essentially, adding aquatic plants in the aquarium greatly help in reconstructing a natural habitat for various fish and this might be one of the most advantageous means to keep your fish safe, happy and healthy!

Without doubt, plants provide security and shelter for the fish. And, since they contend with algae for nutrients, these plants could aid in cutting down the growth of algae.

Nonetheless, it is worth stating that adding live plants does not decline the need for water changes. Hence, when picking the best aquarium plants to reduce nitrates, see to it that you choose species that are genuine aquatic species and which are quite appropriate for your particular fish species as well as water type.